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Author THAPA, B. |
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A community scheme to encourage private tree planting by farmers in the hills of Nepal / THAPA, B.
Title : A community scheme to encourage private tree planting by farmers in the hills of Nepal Material Type: printed text Authors: THAPA, B. ; JOSHI, L. ; ,SHERPA, S.L. Publisher: Dhankuta, Nepal : Pakhribas Agricultural Centre (PAC) Publication Date: 1990 Pagination: , 32p. :ill, , General note: Technical Paper No. 134 Languages : (En) Keywords: ACQUI20Nepal - Hills afforestation farming systems A community scheme to encourage private tree planting by farmers in the hills of Nepal [printed text] / THAPA, B. ; JOSHI, L. ; ,SHERPA, S.L. . - Dhankuta, Nepal : Pakhribas Agricultural Centre (PAC), 1990 . - , 32p. :ill, ,.
Technical Paper No. 134
Languages : (En)
Keywords: ACQUI20Nepal - Hills afforestation farming systems Copies (1)
Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status 4625, D1869 4625, D1869 Document DFRSL Books Not for loan Farmers' ecological knowledge about the management and use of farmland tree fodder resources in the mid-hills of eastern Nepal / THAPA, B.
Title : Farmers' ecological knowledge about the management and use of farmland tree fodder resources in the mid-hills of eastern Nepal Material Type: printed text Authors: THAPA, B. ; , Publisher: [Bangor, UK] : University of Wales Publication Date: 1994 Pagination: , 271p, , General note: A thesis submitted in candidature for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy Languages : (En) Keywords: theses Nepal - hills farmers fodder ecology Farmers' ecological knowledge about the management and use of farmland tree fodder resources in the mid-hills of eastern Nepal [printed text] / THAPA, B. ; , . - [Bangor, UK] : University of Wales, 1994 . - , 271p, ,.
A thesis submitted in candidature for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy
Languages : (En)
Keywords: theses Nepal - hills farmers fodder ecology Copies (1)
Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status D2785 D2785 Document DFRSL Books Not for loan Farming systems in the middle hills of Nepal / THAPA, B.
Title : Farming systems in the middle hills of Nepal Material Type: printed text Authors: THAPA, B. ; , Publisher: Dhankuta, Nepal : Pakhribas Agricultural Centre (PAC) Publication Date: 1989 Pagination: , iii, 30p. :ill, , Languages : (En) Keywords: farming systems - Nepal Nepal Hills Farming systems in the middle hills of Nepal [printed text] / THAPA, B. ; , . - Dhankuta, Nepal : Pakhribas Agricultural Centre (PAC), 1989 . - , iii, 30p. :ill, ,.
Languages : (En)
Keywords: farming systems - Nepal Nepal Hills Copies (1)
Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status 4481, D1759 4481, D1759 Document DFRSL Books Not for loan Fodder research and development activities at Pakhribas Agricultural Centre / THAPA, B.
Title : Fodder research and development activities at Pakhribas Agricultural Centre Material Type: printed text Authors: THAPA, B. ; JOSHI, L ; ,SHERPA, S.L. Publisher: Dhankuta, Nepal : Pakhribas Agricultural Centre Publication Date: 1990 Pagination: , 9p, , General note: Pakhribas Working Paper; 15 Languages : (En) Keywords: fodder Nepal Fodder research and development activities at Pakhribas Agricultural Centre [printed text] / THAPA, B. ; JOSHI, L ; ,SHERPA, S.L. . - Dhankuta, Nepal : Pakhribas Agricultural Centre, 1990 . - , 9p, ,.
Pakhribas Working Paper; 15
Languages : (En)
Keywords: fodder Nepal Copies (1)
Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status D1965 D1965 Document DFRSL Books Not for loan Fodder research and development activities at Pakhribas Agricultural Centre / THAPA, B.
Title : Fodder research and development activities at Pakhribas Agricultural Centre Material Type: printed text Authors: THAPA, B. ; JOSHI, L. ; ,SHERPA, S.L. Publication Date: 1990 Pagination: , 4-10p, , General note: In Amatya, S.M. and Philip, M.S. comp. proceedings of the third meeting of working group ... 1989 Languages : (En) Keywords: fodder research Nepal - east hills Fodder research and development activities at Pakhribas Agricultural Centre [printed text] / THAPA, B. ; JOSHI, L. ; ,SHERPA, S.L. . - 1990 . - , 4-10p, ,.
In Amatya, S.M. and Philip, M.S. comp. proceedings of the third meeting of working group ... 1989
Languages : (En)
Keywords: fodder research Nepal - east hills Note on fodder trees at Pakhribas Agricultural Centre / THAPA, B.PermalinkThe potential of agroforestry in the middle Hills of Nepal / THAPA, B.PermalinkPrediction of biomass ina seminatural stand of Utis (Alnus nepalensis) at Pakhribas Agricultural Centre (PAC) / THAPA, B.PermalinkPrivate tree planting through a community approach -- a case study of Salle, Dhankuta District / THAPA, B. in BANKO JANAKARI - वनको जानकारी : A Journal of Forestry Information for Nepal, 3: 3 (June1992)PermalinkPrivate tree planting through a community approach - a case study of Salle, Dhankuta district , In: Banko Janakari / THAPA, B.PermalinkPromoting private tree planting in the eastern hill of Nepal / JOSHI, L.PermalinkPromoting private tree planting in the eastern hills of Nepal / JOSHI, L.PermalinkTraditional agriculture and resource use under pressure: scope for agroforestry intervention in the middle hills of Nepal / THAPA, B.PermalinkVegetative propagation of Rudrakchha (Elaeocarpus sphaericus) by cuttings / THAPA, B.Permalink