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Today Tomorrows
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A manual on compost and other organic manures / MURTHY, R.K.
Title : A manual on compost and other organic manures Material Type: printed text Authors: MURTHY, R.K. ; , Publisher: New Delhi : Today Tomorrows Publication Date: 1978 Pagination: , 169p. :ill, , Languages : (En) Keywords: compost fertilizers and manures India Class number: 631.875 MUR A manual on compost and other organic manures [printed text] / MURTHY, R.K. ; , . - New Delhi : Today Tomorrows, 1978 . - , 169p. :ill, ,.
Languages : (En)
Keywords: compost fertilizers and manures India Class number: 631.875 MUR Copies (1)
Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status 617, 631.875 MUR Document DFRSL Books Not for loan Workshop on Environmental Education (1977, New Delhi) / (Anon)
Title : Workshop on Environmental Education (1977, New Delhi) Material Type: printed text Authors: (Anon) ; , Publisher: New Delhi : Today Tomorrows Publication Date: 1977 Pagination: , vii, 232p, , General note: Proceedings of the workshop on environmental education, held at the Indian National Science Academy, New Delhi on July 11-12, 1977 Languages : (En) Keywords: conservation of natural resources study and teaching ecology - India Class number: 333.716 WOR Workshop on Environmental Education (1977, New Delhi) [printed text] / (Anon) ; , . - New Delhi : Today Tomorrows, 1977 . - , vii, 232p, ,.
Proceedings of the workshop on environmental education, held at the Indian National Science Academy, New Delhi on July 11-12, 1977
Languages : (En)
Keywords: conservation of natural resources study and teaching ecology - India Class number: 333.716 WOR Copies (1)
Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status 136, 333.716 WOR Document DFRSL Books Not for loan