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Author FLEMING, W.M. |
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Classification of Catchments in the Western Development / FLEMING, W.M.
Title : Classification of Catchments in the Western Development Material Type: printed text Authors: FLEMING, W.M. ; , Publisher: Rome : FAO Publication Date: 1978 Pagination: , 14p., , Languages : (En) Keywords: Western Classification Classification of Catchments in the Western Development [printed text] / FLEMING, W.M. ; , . - Rome : FAO, 1978 . - , 14p., ,.
Languages : (En)
Keywords: Western Classification Copies (1)
Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status 2239, D222 2239, D222 Document DFRSL Books Not for loan Classification of catchments in the Western Development Region of Nepal: erosion hazard and land management problems / FLEMING, W.M.
Title : Classification of catchments in the Western Development Region of Nepal: erosion hazard and land management problems Material Type: printed text Authors: FLEMING, W.M. ; , Publisher: Kathmandu : Integrated Watershed Management Project Publication Date: 1978 Pagination: , 14p. + maps, , General note: NEP/74/020 working paper IWM/WP/10 Languages : (En) Keywords: catchment areas erosion control land classification Classification of catchments in the Western Development Region of Nepal: erosion hazard and land management problems [printed text] / FLEMING, W.M. ; , . - Kathmandu : Integrated Watershed Management Project, 1978 . - , 14p. + maps, ,.
NEP/74/020 working paper IWM/WP/10
Languages : (En)
Keywords: catchment areas erosion control land classification Copies (1)
Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status D222 D222 Document DFRSL Books Not for loan Phewa Tal catchment management program: benefits and costs of forestry and soil conservation in Nepal / FLEMING, W.M.
Title : Phewa Tal catchment management program: benefits and costs of forestry and soil conservation in Nepal Material Type: printed text Authors: FLEMING, W.M. ; , Publisher: Boulder, Colombia : Westview Press Publication Date: 1983 Pagination: , 217-288p, , General note: In Hamilton, L.S. (Ed.). Forest and watershed development and conservation in Asia and the Pacific. Languages : (En) Keywords: water resources Class number: A87-014446 Phewa Tal catchment management program: benefits and costs of forestry and soil conservation in Nepal [printed text] / FLEMING, W.M. ; , . - Boulder, Colombia : Westview Press, 1983 . - , 217-288p, ,.
In Hamilton, L.S. (Ed.). Forest and watershed development and conservation in Asia and the Pacific.
Languages : (En)
Keywords: water resources Class number: A87-014446 Phewa Tal watershed management proposals / FLEMING, W.M.
Title : Phewa Tal watershed management proposals Material Type: printed text Authors: FLEMING, W.M. ; , Publisher: Kathmandu : Department of Soil and Water Conservation and Integrated Watershed Management Project Publication Date: 1978 Pagination: , 90p. + map, , General note: Technical Report No. IWM/PTR/5 Languages : (En) Keywords: watershed management Phewa Tal watershed management proposals [printed text] / FLEMING, W.M. ; , . - Kathmandu : Department of Soil and Water Conservation and Integrated Watershed Management Project, 1978 . - , 90p. + map, ,.
Technical Report No. IWM/PTR/5
Languages : (En)
Keywords: watershed management Copies (1)
Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status 1960, D118 1960, D118 Document DFRSL Books Not for loan