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Oxford Forestry Institute
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The araucarias / NTIMA, O.O.
Title : The araucarias Material Type: printed text Authors: NTIMA, O.O. ; , Publisher: Oxford : Oxford Forestry Institute Publication Date: 1968 Pagination: , x, 139p, , General note: Fast growing timber trees of the lowland tropics no. 3 Languages : (En) Keywords: araucarias Class number: SER OFI FGTT 3 The araucarias [printed text] / NTIMA, O.O. ; , . - Oxford : Oxford Forestry Institute, 1968 . - , x, 139p, ,.
Fast growing timber trees of the lowland tropics no. 3
Languages : (En)
Keywords: araucarias Class number: SER OFI FGTT 3 Copies (1)
Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status 3287, SER OFI FGTT 3 Document DFRSL Books Not for loan Cedrela Odorata / LAMB, A.F.A.
Title : Cedrela Odorata Material Type: printed text Authors: LAMB, A.F.A. ; , Publisher: Oxford : Oxford Forestry Institute Publication Date: 1968 Pagination: , iii, 46p. :ill, , Languages : (En) Keywords: cedrela Class number: SER OFI FGTT 2 Cedrela Odorata [printed text] / LAMB, A.F.A. ; , . - Oxford : Oxford Forestry Institute, 1968 . - , iii, 46p. :ill, ,.
Languages : (En)
Keywords: cedrela Class number: SER OFI FGTT 2 Copies (1)
Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status 3281, SER OFI FGTT 2 Document DFRSL Books Not for loan Charcoal and forest management / EARL, D.E.
Title : Charcoal and forest management Material Type: printed text Authors: EARL, D.E. ; , Publisher: Oxford : Oxford Forestry Institute Publication Date: 1973 Pagination: , v, 107p. :ill, , Languages : (En) Keywords: forest management charcoal Class number: SER OFI CH Charcoal and forest management [printed text] / EARL, D.E. ; , . - Oxford : Oxford Forestry Institute, 1973 . - , v, 107p. :ill, ,.
Languages : (En)
Keywords: forest management charcoal Class number: SER OFI CH Copies (1)
Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status 3285, SER OFI CH Document DFRSL Books Not for loan Community forestry in Nepal: a case study of the Integrated Hill Development Project, Dolkha District, East Nepal / ROCHE, N.
Title : Community forestry in Nepal: a case study of the Integrated Hill Development Project, Dolkha District, East Nepal Material Type: printed text Authors: ROCHE, N. ; , Publisher: Oxford : Oxford Forestry Institute Publication Date: 1990 Pagination: , 87p, , Languages : (En) Keywords: community forestry Nepal - Dolkha IHDP Community forestry in Nepal: a case study of the Integrated Hill Development Project, Dolkha District, East Nepal [printed text] / ROCHE, N. ; , . - Oxford : Oxford Forestry Institute, 1990 . - , 87p, ,.
Languages : (En)
Keywords: community forestry Nepal - Dolkha IHDP Copies (1)
Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status 4740, T38 4740, T38 Document DFRSL Books Not for loan Cordia alliodora: a promising tree for tropical agroforestry / GREAVES, A.
Title : Cordia alliodora: a promising tree for tropical agroforestry Material Type: printed text Authors: GREAVES, A. ; McCARTER, P.S. ; , Publisher: Oxford : Oxford Forestry Institute Publication Date: 1990 Pagination: , vii, 37p, , Languages : (En) Keywords: ACQ201agroforestry Cordia alliodora: a promising tree for tropical agroforestry [printed text] / GREAVES, A. ; McCARTER, P.S. ; , . - Oxford : Oxford Forestry Institute, 1990 . - , vii, 37p, ,.
Languages : (En)
Keywords: ACQ201agroforestry Copies (1)
Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status 4764, SER OFI TFP22 4764, SER OFI TFP22 Document DFRSL Books Not for loan Disease and disorders of pines in the tropics: a field and laboratory manual / IVORY, M.H.PermalinkEcological effects of forestry practices in long-established woodland and their implications for nature conservation / MITCHELL, P.L.PermalinkGenotype - environment interaction in pinus caribaea / GIBSON, G.L.PermalinkA guide to the use of Mexican and Belizean timbers / ECHENIQUE-MANRIQUE, R.PermalinkHP67 and HP97 calculator programs for elementary statistical calculations: also compatible with HP41-C / WORMALD, T.J.PermalinkIntra - tree variations of strength properties in plantation grown teak (Tectona Grandis L.F.) and techniques for their systematic sampling / SANWO, S.K.PermalinkA longterm surveillance system for British woodland vegetation / DAWKINS, H.C.PermalinkPinus caribaea vol. 1 / LAMB, A.F.A.PermalinkPinus merkusii / COLLING, E.N.G.PermalinkThe Planning and evaluation of forestry projects / WATT, G.R.PermalinkProcedures for monitoring tree growth and site change: a field manual / ADLARD, P.G.PermalinkA regional volume table for Gmelina arborea Roxb / GREAVES, A.PermalinkTree cultivation on private land in Nepal's middle hills: an investigation into local knowledge and local needs / CARTER, E.J.PermalinkWood density variation in plantation - grown pinus patula form the viphya plateau, Malawi / ADLARD, P.G.Permalink