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Forest Research Institute and Colleges (FRIC)
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Dehra Dun
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Disease-insect survey: manual of instructions / BAKSHI, B.K.
Title : Disease-insect survey: manual of instructions Material Type: printed text Authors: BAKSHI, B.K. ; , Publisher: Dehra Dun : Forest Research Institute and Colleges (FRIC) Publication Date: 1977 Pagination: , 54p, , Languages : (En) Keywords: plant diseases insect pests disease surveys Disease-insect survey: manual of instructions [printed text] / BAKSHI, B.K. ; , . - Dehra Dun : Forest Research Institute and Colleges (FRIC), 1977 . - , 54p, ,.
Languages : (En)
Keywords: plant diseases insect pests disease surveys Copies (1)
Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status 2291, D264 2291, D264 Document DFRSL Books Not for loan Economic and social costs and benefits of forestry in tropical regions / PANTA, M.M.
Title : Economic and social costs and benefits of forestry in tropical regions Material Type: printed text Authors: PANTA, M.M. ; , Publisher: Dehra Dun : Forest Research Institute and Colleges (FRIC) Publication Date: 1980 Pagination: , ii, 44p, , General note: Paper Prepared for Eleventh Commonwealth Forestry Conference, Trinidad
Tobago, September,1980Languages : (En) Keywords: economics sociological aspects forestry development India Economic and social costs and benefits of forestry in tropical regions [printed text] / PANTA, M.M. ; , . - Dehra Dun : Forest Research Institute and Colleges (FRIC), 1980 . - , ii, 44p, ,.
Paper Prepared for Eleventh Commonwealth Forestry Conference, Trinidad
Tobago, September,1980
Languages : (En)
Keywords: economics sociological aspects forestry development India Copies (1)
Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status 2711, D748 2711, D748 Document DFRSL Books Not for loan Entomology: natural insect enemy and plant host complex of forest insect pests of Indian region / CHATTERJEE, P.N.
Title : Entomology: natural insect enemy and plant host complex of forest insect pests of Indian region Material Type: printed text Authors: CHATTERJEE, P.N. ; , Publisher: Dehra Dun : Forest Research Institute and Colleges (FRIC) Publication Date: 1974 Pagination: , 233p., , Languages : (En) Keywords: entomology- India Class number: 634.967 CHA Entomology: natural insect enemy and plant host complex of forest insect pests of Indian region [printed text] / CHATTERJEE, P.N. ; , . - Dehra Dun : Forest Research Institute and Colleges (FRIC), 1974 . - , 233p., ,.
Languages : (En)
Keywords: entomology- India Class number: 634.967 CHA Copies (1)
Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status 4914, 634.967 CHA Document DFRSL Books Not for loan Handbook on afforestation techniques / GHOSH, R.C.
Title : Handbook on afforestation techniques Material Type: printed text Authors: GHOSH, R.C. ; , Publisher: Dehra Dun : Forest Research Institute and Colleges (FRIC) Publication Date: 1977 Pagination: , ix, 410p. :ill, , Languages : (En) Keywords: handbook afforestation afforestation techniques Class number: 634.956 GHO Handbook on afforestation techniques [printed text] / GHOSH, R.C. ; , . - Dehra Dun : Forest Research Institute and Colleges (FRIC), 1977 . - , ix, 410p. :ill, ,.
Languages : (En)
Keywords: handbook afforestation afforestation techniques Class number: 634.956 GHO Copies (1)
Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status 903, 634.956 GHO Document DFRSL Books Not for loan Handbook of Indian forest statistics: 1957-1958 / VENKATARAMANY, P.
Title : Handbook of Indian forest statistics: 1957-1958 Material Type: printed text Authors: VENKATARAMANY, P. ; , Publisher: Dehra Dun : Forest Research Institute and Colleges (FRIC) Publication Date: 1961 Pagination: , xvi, 158p. :ill, , Languages : (En) Keywords: forest statistics forestry research handbook India Handbook of Indian forest statistics: 1957-1958 [printed text] / VENKATARAMANY, P. ; , . - Dehra Dun : Forest Research Institute and Colleges (FRIC), 1961 . - , xvi, 158p. :ill, ,.
Languages : (En)
Keywords: forest statistics forestry research handbook India Copies (1)
Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status 2341, D432 2341, D432 Document DFRSL Books Not for loan Indian Timber: Simal / India. Forest Research Institute and CollegesPermalinkIndian Timbers: Chir / India. Forest Research Institute and CollegesPermalinkIndian Timbers: Haldu / India. Forest Research Institute and CollegesPermalinkIndian Timbers: Hopea / India. Forest Research Institute and CollegesPermalinkIndian Timbers: Kokkoo (Siris) / India. Forest Research Institute and CollegesPermalinkIndian Timbers: Padauk / India. Forest Research Institute and CollegesPermalinkIndian Timbers: Sisso / India. Forest Research Institute and CollegesPermalinkIndian Timbers: Toon / India. Forest Research Institute and CollegesPermalinkTroup's the silviculture of Indian trees Volume 1 / TROUP, R.S.PermalinkTROUP'S the silviculture of Indian trees volume 2 / TROUP, R.S.Permalink