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Nirala Publications
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Art and culture of Nepal: an attempt towards preservation / AMATYA, S.
Title : Art and culture of Nepal: an attempt towards preservation Material Type: printed text Authors: AMATYA, S. ; , Publisher: New Delhi : Nirala Publications Publication Date: 1991 Pagination: , vii, 220p, , Languages : (En) Keywords: culture - Nepal Class number: 704 AMA Art and culture of Nepal: an attempt towards preservation [printed text] / AMATYA, S. ; , . - New Delhi : Nirala Publications, 1991 . - , vii, 220p, ,.
Languages : (En)
Keywords: culture - Nepal Class number: 704 AMA Copies (1)
Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status 5145, 704 AMA Document DFRSL Books Not for loan The Dhimals miraculous migrants of Himal: an anthropological study of a Nepalese ethnic group / REGMI, R.R.
Title : The Dhimals miraculous migrants of Himal: an anthropological study of a Nepalese ethnic group Material Type: printed text Authors: REGMI, R.R. ; , Publisher: New Delhi : Nirala Publications Publication Date: 1991 Pagination: , 269p. :ill, , General note: Nirala Series; 13 Languages : (En) Keywords: anthropology - Nepal Class number: 305.8942N REG The Dhimals miraculous migrants of Himal: an anthropological study of a Nepalese ethnic group [printed text] / REGMI, R.R. ; , . - New Delhi : Nirala Publications, 1991 . - , 269p. :ill, ,.
Nirala Series; 13
Languages : (En)
Keywords: anthropology - Nepal Class number: 305.8942N REG Copies (1)
Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status 5213 5214, 305.8942N REG Document DFRSL Books Not for loan The Gurungs thunder of Himal: a cross cultural study of a Nepalese ethnic group / REGMI, M.P.
Title : The Gurungs thunder of Himal: a cross cultural study of a Nepalese ethnic group Material Type: printed text Authors: REGMI, M.P. ; , Publisher: New Delhi : Nirala Publications Publication Date: 1990 Pagination: , x, 238p.:ill, , General note: AGRISNirala Series; 9 Languages : (En) Keywords: ethnic groups - Nepal Class number: 305.89149 REG The Gurungs thunder of Himal: a cross cultural study of a Nepalese ethnic group [printed text] / REGMI, M.P. ; , . - New Delhi : Nirala Publications, 1990 . - , x, 238p.:ill, ,.
AGRISNirala Series; 9
Languages : (En)
Keywords: ethnic groups - Nepal Class number: 305.89149 REG Copies (1)
Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status 5161, 305.89149 REG Document DFRSL Books Not for loan Nepal: a concise history of the cultural scenario of the Himalayan kingdom / RANA, J.
Title : Nepal: a concise history of the cultural scenario of the Himalayan kingdom Material Type: printed text Authors: RANA, J. ; , Publisher: New Delhi : Nirala Publications Publication Date: 1995 Pagination: , 120p, , ISBN (or other code): 978-81-85693-45-3 Languages : (En) Class number: 306 RAN Nepal: a concise history of the cultural scenario of the Himalayan kingdom [printed text] / RANA, J. ; , . - New Delhi : Nirala Publications, 1995 . - , 120p, ,.
ISBN : 978-81-85693-45-3
Languages : (En)
Class number: 306 RAN Copies (1)
Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status 5809, 306 RAN Document DFRSL Books Not for loan Politics of Himalayan river waters: an analysis of the river water issues of Nepal, India and Bangladesh / UPRETI, B.C.
Title : Politics of Himalayan river waters: an analysis of the river water issues of Nepal, India and Bangladesh Material Type: printed text Authors: UPRETI, B.C. ; , Publisher: New Delhi : Nirala Publications Publication Date: 1993 Pagination: , 224p, , General note: Nirala Series;3 Languages : (En) Keywords: river water - politics Himalayan river resources Nepal Class number: 333.912 UPR Politics of Himalayan river waters: an analysis of the river water issues of Nepal, India and Bangladesh [printed text] / UPRETI, B.C. ; , . - New Delhi : Nirala Publications, 1993 . - , 224p, ,.
Nirala Series;3
Languages : (En)
Keywords: river water - politics Himalayan river resources Nepal Class number: 333.912 UPR Copies (1)
Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status 5217, 333.912 UPR Document DFRSL Books Not for loan Recent Nepal: an analysis of recent democratic upsurge and its aftermath / K.C., L.B.PermalinkWildlife in Nepal / SHAHA, RISHIKESH MITCHELL, RICHARD M.Permalink