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Advancing agricultural production in Africa: proceedings of CAB's first scientific conference, Arusha, Tanzania, 12-18 Feb. 1984 / HAWKSWORTH, D.L.
Title : Advancing agricultural production in Africa: proceedings of CAB's first scientific conference, Arusha, Tanzania, 12-18 Feb. 1984 Material Type: printed text Authors: HAWKSWORTH, D.L. ; , Publisher: Farnham Royal, UK : Commonwealth Agricultural Bureaux Publication Date: n.d. Pagination: , 454p, , ISBN (or other code): 978-0-85198-537-4 Languages : (En) Keywords: agriculture Class number: 631 HAW Advancing agricultural production in Africa: proceedings of CAB's first scientific conference, Arusha, Tanzania, 12-18 Feb. 1984 [printed text] / HAWKSWORTH, D.L. ; , . - Farnham Royal, UK : Commonwealth Agricultural Bureaux, n.d. . - , 454p, ,.
ISBN : 978-0-85198-537-4
Languages : (En)
Keywords: agriculture Class number: 631 HAW Copies (1)
Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status 3989, 631 HAW Document DFRSL Books Not for loan Mycologists handbook: an introduction to the principles of taxonomy and nomenclature in the fungi and lichens / HAWKSWORTH, D.L.
Title : Mycologists handbook: an introduction to the principles of taxonomy and nomenclature in the fungi and lichens Material Type: printed text Authors: HAWKSWORTH, D.L. ; , Publisher: Kew, UK : Commonwealth Mycological Institute Publication Date: 1974 Pagination: , 231p, , ISBN (or other code): 978-0-85198-300-4 Languages : (En) Keywords: mycology lichens Class number: 589.2 HAW Mycologists handbook: an introduction to the principles of taxonomy and nomenclature in the fungi and lichens [printed text] / HAWKSWORTH, D.L. ; , . - Kew, UK : Commonwealth Mycological Institute, 1974 . - , 231p, ,.
ISBN : 978-0-85198-300-4
Languages : (En)
Keywords: mycology lichens Class number: 589.2 HAW Copies (1)
Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status 1800, 589.2 HAW Document DFRSL Books Not for loan