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Author WYATT-SMITH, J. |
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The agricultural system in the hills of Nepal: the ratio of agriculture to forest land and the problem of animal fodder / WYATT-SMITH, J.
Title : The agricultural system in the hills of Nepal: the ratio of agriculture to forest land and the problem of animal fodder Material Type: printed text Authors: WYATT-SMITH, J. ; , Publisher: Kathmandu : Agricultural Projects Services Centre (APROSC) Publication Date: 1982 Pagination: , 17p, , General note: APROSC Occasional Paper No.1 Languages : (En) Keywords: agricultural systems forest vegetation The agricultural system in the hills of Nepal: the ratio of agriculture to forest land and the problem of animal fodder [printed text] / WYATT-SMITH, J. ; , . - Kathmandu : Agricultural Projects Services Centre (APROSC), 1982 . - , 17p, ,.
APROSC Occasional Paper No.1
Languages : (En)
Keywords: agricultural systems forest vegetation Copies (1)
Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status 2235, D226 2235, D226 Document DFRSL Books Not for loan Some preliminary indications from research for forest management guidance in the hills of central Nepal , In: Nepal Forestry Technical Information Bulletin (NEFTIB) / JOSHI, M.R.
Title : Some preliminary indications from research for forest management guidance in the hills of central Nepal , In: Nepal Forestry Technical Information Bulletin (NEFTIB) Material Type: printed text Authors: JOSHI, M.R. ; WYATT-SMITH, J. ; , Publication Date: 1982 Pagination: : 7, 7-24p, , Languages : (En) Keywords: forest management forestry research plantations - establishment Some preliminary indications from research for forest management guidance in the hills of central Nepal , In: Nepal Forestry Technical Information Bulletin (NEFTIB) [printed text] / JOSHI, M.R. ; WYATT-SMITH, J. ; , . - 1982 . - : 7, 7-24p, ,.
Languages : (En)
Keywords: forest management forestry research plantations - establishment