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Author KHAREL, B.P. |
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Fuelwood production in a plantation of Alnus nepalensis (Utis) in the Phewa watershed Nepal / KHAREL, B.P.
Title : Fuelwood production in a plantation of Alnus nepalensis (Utis) in the Phewa watershed Nepal Material Type: printed text Authors: KHAREL, B.P. ; , Publisher: Kathmandu, Nepal : Watershed Management and Conservation Education Project Publication Date: 1983 Pagination: , 17p, , General note: Field Document No.16 Languages : (En) Keywords: biomass production fuelwood Alnus nepalensis Fuelwood production in a plantation of Alnus nepalensis (Utis) in the Phewa watershed Nepal [printed text] / KHAREL, B.P. ; , . - Kathmandu, Nepal : Watershed Management and Conservation Education Project, 1983 . - , 17p, ,.
Field Document No.16
Languages : (En)
Keywords: biomass production fuelwood Alnus nepalensis Copies (1)
Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status 2564, D799 2564, D799 Document DFRSL Books Not for loan Fuelwood situation in the northern part of the Phewa Tal watershed / KHAREL, B.P.
Title : Fuelwood situation in the northern part of the Phewa Tal watershed Material Type: printed text Authors: KHAREL, B.P. ; , Pagination: , 4p, , General note: In papers presented at Hill Forestry Workshop, Lumle Agricultural Centre, 25-27 Jan 1984In proceedings of Hill Forestry Workshop held in LAC from 25-27 Janurary 1984 Languages : (En) Keywords: fuelwood energy consumption resource inventories Fuelwood situation in the northern part of the Phewa Tal watershed [printed text] / KHAREL, B.P. ; , . - [s.d.] . - , 4p, ,.
In papers presented at Hill Forestry Workshop, Lumle Agricultural Centre, 25-27 Jan 1984In proceedings of Hill Forestry Workshop held in LAC from 25-27 Janurary 1984
Languages : (En)
Keywords: fuelwood energy consumption resource inventories