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Author SEN, C.K. |
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Lumle Agricultural Centre's farming systems research experience and results to date / SEN, C.K.
Title : Lumle Agricultural Centre's farming systems research experience and results to date Material Type: printed text Authors: SEN, C.K. ; , Publisher: Lumle, Pokhara, Nepal : Lumle Agricultural Centre (LAC) Publication Date: 1986 Pagination: , 17p, , General note: Technical Paper No. 86/19 Paper presented at the FSR Networking Group meeting held at Pokhara from 11-13 August 1986 Languages : (En) Keywords: farming systems agricultural research Lumle Agricultural Centre's farming systems research experience and results to date [printed text] / SEN, C.K. ; , . - Lumle, Pokhara, Nepal : Lumle Agricultural Centre (LAC), 1986 . - , 17p, ,.
Technical Paper No. 86/19 Paper presented at the FSR Networking Group meeting held at Pokhara from 11-13 August 1986
Languages : (En)
Keywords: farming systems agricultural research Copies (1)
Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status D240 D240 Document DFRSL Books Not for loan Report on Tehrathum agricultural survey / SEN, C.K.
Title : Report on Tehrathum agricultural survey Material Type: printed text Authors: SEN, C.K. ; , Publisher: Dhankuta, Nepal : Pakhribas Agricultural Centre (PAC) Publication Date: 1975 Pagination: , 11p. 28p. , , General note: Technical Paper No. 1 Languages : (En) Keywords: agricultural surveys situation Report on Tehrathum agricultural survey [printed text] / SEN, C.K. ; , . - Dhankuta, Nepal : Pakhribas Agricultural Centre (PAC), 1975 . - , 11p. 28p. , ,.
Technical Paper No. 1
Languages : (En)
Keywords: agricultural surveys situation Copies (1)
Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status 2945, D908 2945, D908 Document DFRSL Books Not for loan A report on transfer of technology from FSR site to FSR/E village / SEN, C.K.
Title : A report on transfer of technology from FSR site to FSR/E village Material Type: printed text Authors: SEN, C.K. ; , Publisher: Pokhara, Nepal : Lumle Agriculture Centre (LAC) Publication Date: 1989 Pagination: , 20p, , General note: Technical paper no. 8 Languages : (En) Keywords: farming systems - Nepal technology transfer A report on transfer of technology from FSR site to FSR/E village [printed text] / SEN, C.K. ; , . - Pokhara, Nepal : Lumle Agriculture Centre (LAC), 1989 . - , 20p, ,.
Technical paper no. 8
Languages : (En)
Keywords: farming systems - Nepal technology transfer Copies (1)
Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status 4533, D1806 4533, D1806 Document DFRSL Books Not for loan