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University of Reading
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Composting its value and limitation for small farmers in Nepal / CHAND, S.P.s
Title : Composting its value and limitation for small farmers in Nepal Material Type: printed text Authors: CHAND, S.P.s ; , Publisher: Reading, U.K. : University of Reading Publication Date: 1986 Pagination: , 92p, , General note: A dissertation submitted to the University of Reading Languages : (En) Keywords: theses fertilizers farmers - Nepal Composting its value and limitation for small farmers in Nepal [printed text] / CHAND, S.P.s ; , . - Reading, U.K. : University of Reading, 1986 . - , 92p, ,.
A dissertation submitted to the University of Reading
Languages : (En)
Keywords: theses fertilizers farmers - Nepal Copies (1)
Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status 3907, T9 3907, T9 Document DFRSL Books Not for loan Concept and component of social forestry development and strategy with reference to the forest policy and projects in the hills of Nepal / GURUNG, G.P.
Title : Concept and component of social forestry development and strategy with reference to the forest policy and projects in the hills of Nepal Material Type: printed text Authors: GURUNG, G.P. ; , Publisher: Reading, U.K. : University of Reading Publication Date: 1982 Pagination: , 108p, , General note: M.Sc.Thesis Submitted to The University of Reading Languages : (En) Keywords: community forestry forest policy forestry development agroforestry Concept and component of social forestry development and strategy with reference to the forest policy and projects in the hills of Nepal [printed text] / GURUNG, G.P. ; , . - Reading, U.K. : University of Reading, 1982 . - , 108p, ,.
M.Sc.Thesis Submitted to The University of Reading
Languages : (En)
Keywords: community forestry forest policy forestry development agroforestry Copies (1)
Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status 2328, T289 2328, T289 Document DFRSL Books Not for loan