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Author ,SHIVA, M.P. |
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Advances in forestry research in India / PARKASH, R.
Title : Advances in forestry research in India Material Type: printed text Authors: PARKASH, R. ; NEGI, S.S. ; ,SHIVA, M.P. Publisher: Dehra Dun : International Book Distributors Publication Date: 1988-89-90 Pagination: , 252p 268p 280p 259p and 270p, , 1-5 vols. General note: Volume 1-5 Languages : (En) Keywords: forestry research - India Class number: 634.9072 PAR Advances in forestry research in India [printed text] / PARKASH, R. ; NEGI, S.S. ; ,SHIVA, M.P. . - Dehra Dun : International Book Distributors, 1988-89-90 . - , 252p 268p 280p 259p and 270p, , 1-5 vols.
Volume 1-5
Languages : (En)
Keywords: forestry research - India Class number: 634.9072 PAR Copies (1)
Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status 4159 and 4231, 634.9072 PAR Document DFRSL Books Not for loan Comparative studies on the healing rate of blazes tapped by "cap and lip" method (channels) and "rill method" (rills) in Pinus roxburghii , In: Indian Forester / CHAUDHARI, D.C.
Title : Comparative studies on the healing rate of blazes tapped by "cap and lip" method (channels) and "rill method" (rills) in Pinus roxburghii , In: Indian Forester Material Type: printed text Authors: CHAUDHARI, D.C. ; UNIYAL, D.N. ; ,SHIVA, M.P. Publication Date: 1988 Pagination: v. 114 : 8, 446-452, , Languages : (En) Keywords: Pinus roxburghii resin tapping Comparative studies on the healing rate of blazes tapped by "cap and lip" method (channels) and "rill method" (rills) in Pinus roxburghii , In: Indian Forester [printed text] / CHAUDHARI, D.C. ; UNIYAL, D.N. ; ,SHIVA, M.P. . - 1988 . - v. 114 : 8, 446-452, ,.
Languages : (En)
Keywords: Pinus roxburghii resin tapping