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Author SINGH, A.K. |
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Community forestry for revitalising rural ecosystems: A case study , In: Forest Ecology and Management / SINGH, A.K.
Title : Community forestry for revitalising rural ecosystems: A case study , In: Forest Ecology and Management Material Type: printed text Authors: SINGH, A.K. ; SINGH, M.K. ; ,MASCARENHAS, O.A.J. Publication Date: 1985 Pagination: v. 10 : 3, 209-232p, , Languages : (En) Keywords: community forestry ecosystems Community forestry for revitalising rural ecosystems: A case study , In: Forest Ecology and Management [printed text] / SINGH, A.K. ; SINGH, M.K. ; ,MASCARENHAS, O.A.J. . - 1985 . - v. 10 : 3, 209-232p, ,.
Languages : (En)
Keywords: community forestry ecosystems Evaluation of essential oil in Eucalyptus varieties grown in Kumaon hills (Ranikhet), Uttar Pradesh for timber , In: Indian Forester / SINGH, A.K.
Title : Evaluation of essential oil in Eucalyptus varieties grown in Kumaon hills (Ranikhet), Uttar Pradesh for timber , In: Indian Forester Material Type: printed text Authors: SINGH, A.K. ; , Publication Date: 1986 Pagination: v. 112 : 3, 223-228p, , Languages : (En) Keywords: Eucalytpus robertsonii Eucalyptus rubida globulus gonicalyx dalrympleana laevopinea viminalis grandis essential oils Evaluation of essential oil in Eucalyptus varieties grown in Kumaon hills (Ranikhet), Uttar Pradesh for timber , In: Indian Forester [printed text] / SINGH, A.K. ; , . - 1986 . - v. 112 : 3, 223-228p, ,.
Languages : (En)
Keywords: Eucalytpus robertsonii Eucalyptus rubida globulus gonicalyx dalrympleana laevopinea viminalis grandis essential oils Forest resource, economy and environment / SINGH, A.K.
Title : Forest resource, economy and environment Material Type: printed text Authors: SINGH, A.K. ; , Edition statement: 1st ed. Publisher: New Delhi : Concept Publishing Publication Date: 1987 Pagination: , 124p, , Languages : (En) Keywords: forests and forestry - economic aspects forest ecology Class number: 634.92 SIN Forest resource, economy and environment [printed text] / SINGH, A.K. ; , . - 1st ed. . - New Delhi : Concept Publishing, 1987 . - , 124p, ,.
Languages : (En)
Keywords: forests and forestry - economic aspects forest ecology Class number: 634.92 SIN Copies (1)
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