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Oxford at the clarendon press
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Engineering for foret rangers in tropical countries with special reference to Burma / LLOYD, A.H.
Title : Engineering for foret rangers in tropical countries with special reference to Burma Material Type: printed text Authors: LLOYD, A.H. ; , Publisher: USA : Oxford at the clarendon press Publication Date: 1929 Pagination: , xv, 228p., , Languages : (En) Keywords: forest engineering rengers Class number: 634.953 LLO Engineering for foret rangers in tropical countries with special reference to Burma [printed text] / LLOYD, A.H. ; , . - USA : Oxford at the clarendon press, 1929 . - , xv, 228p., ,.
Languages : (En)
Keywords: forest engineering rengers Class number: 634.953 LLO Copies (1)
Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status 5565, 634.953 LLO Document DFRSL Books Not for loan Environmental modelling : an introduction / Smith, Jo
Title : Environmental modelling : an introduction Material Type: printed text Authors: Smith, Jo, Author ; Smith, Peter, Author Publisher: USA : Oxford at the clarendon press Pagination: 180 p. ISBN (or other code): 978-0-19-958012-5 Languages : English (eng) Class number: 363.7 SMI-e Environmental modelling : an introduction [printed text] / Smith, Jo, Author ; Smith, Peter, Author . - USA : Oxford at the clarendon press, [s.d.] . - 180 p.
ISBN : 978-0-19-958012-5
Languages : English (eng)
Class number: 363.7 SMI-e Copies (1)
Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status 7389 363.7 SMI-e SMI 2009 Books CFL Documents Available Silvicultural Systems / JONES, E.W.
Title : Silvicultural Systems Material Type: printed text Authors: JONES, E.W. ; , Publisher: USA : Oxford at the clarendon press Publication Date: 1928 Pagination: , 216p., , Languages : (En) Keywords: System Silviculture Class number: 634.95 TRO Silvicultural Systems [printed text] / JONES, E.W. ; , . - USA : Oxford at the clarendon press, 1928 . - , 216p., ,.
Languages : (En)
Keywords: System Silviculture Class number: 634.95 TRO