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Library items with class number A87-112855
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Socio-economic factors in watershed development planning for Kavre District. / FRENCH,D.S.
Title : Socio-economic factors in watershed development planning for Kavre District. Material Type: printed text Authors: FRENCH,D.S. ; PYAKURYAL,K.N. ; ,CHAPAGAIN,D.P. Publication Date: 1985 Pagination: , 30pp, , General note: FAO-FO-DP/NEP/80/029 Languages : (En) Keywords: sociology watershed management Class number: A87-112855 Socio-economic factors in watershed development planning for Kavre District. [printed text] / FRENCH,D.S. ; PYAKURYAL,K.N. ; ,CHAPAGAIN,D.P. . - 1985 . - , 30pp, ,.
Languages : (En)
Keywords: sociology watershed management Class number: A87-112855