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Author FFOLLIOT, P.F. |
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Collection, handling, storage and pretreatment of prosopsis seeds in Latin America / FFOLLIOT, P.F.
Title : Collection, handling, storage and pretreatment of prosopsis seeds in Latin America Material Type: printed text Authors: FFOLLIOT, P.F. ; , Publisher: Rome : Food and Agriculture Organization Publication Date: 1983 Pagination: , 45p. :ill, , Languages : (En) Keywords: seeds - prosopsis Central America Class number: 634.9562 FFO Collection, handling, storage and pretreatment of prosopsis seeds in Latin America [printed text] / FFOLLIOT, P.F. ; , . - Rome : Food and Agriculture Organization, 1983 . - , 45p. :ill, ,.
Languages : (En)
Keywords: seeds - prosopsis Central America Class number: 634.9562 FFO Copies (1)
Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status 01, 634.9562 FFO Document DFRSL Books Not for loan Forest resources: Multiple use concept / FFOLLIOT, P.F.
Title : Forest resources: Multiple use concept Material Type: printed text Authors: FFOLLIOT, P.F. ; , Publisher: Rome : Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) Publication Date: 1985 Pagination: , 81-87p, , General note: Forestry Department Report. FAO/Finland Training Course in Forestry and Watershed Management for Asia and the Pacific Region.AGRINDEXFAO Accession No.:XF8658005, available on microfiche. FAO-FO-GCP/RAS/113/FIN Languages : (En) Keywords: land use water resources agroforestry Class number: A87-009362 Forest resources: Multiple use concept [printed text] / FFOLLIOT, P.F. ; , . - Rome : Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), 1985 . - , 81-87p, ,.
Forestry Department Report. FAO/Finland Training Course in Forestry and Watershed Management for Asia and the Pacific Region.AGRINDEXFAO Accession No.:XF8658005, available on microfiche. FAO-FO-GCP/RAS/113/FIN
Languages : (En)
Keywords: land use water resources agroforestry Class number: A87-009362