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Author SINGH, R.V. |
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Fodder trees of India / SINGH, R.V.
Title : Fodder trees of India Material Type: printed text Authors: SINGH, R.V. ; , Publisher: New Delhi : Oxford IBH Publication Date: 1982 Pagination: , xv, 663p, , General note: 2nd copy = reference Languages : (En) Keywords: forage plants trees - identification India Class number: 634.97 SIN Fodder trees of India [printed text] / SINGH, R.V. ; , . - New Delhi : Oxford IBH, 1982 . - , xv, 663p, ,.
2nd copy = reference
Languages : (En)
Keywords: forage plants trees - identification India Class number: 634.97 SIN Copies (1)
Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status 1629, 1447, 4100, 5917 6257, 634.97 SIN Document DFRSL Books Not for loan History of forestry research in India / SINGH, R.V.
Title : History of forestry research in India Material Type: printed text Authors: SINGH, R.V. ; , Publication Date: 1990 Pagination: , 216-229p, , vol. 6 General note: In Proceedings of XIX World Congress of IUFRO, 5-11 August 1990, Montreal, Canada Languages : (En) Keywords: forestry research India Class number: 634.9 INT History of forestry research in India [printed text] / SINGH, R.V. ; , . - 1990 . - , 216-229p, , vol. 6.
In Proceedings of XIX World Congress of IUFRO, 5-11 August 1990, Montreal, Canada
Languages : (En)
Keywords: forestry research India Class number: 634.9 INT Small scale multipurpose tree production systems in a mountainous region of India / SINGH, R.V.
Title : Small scale multipurpose tree production systems in a mountainous region of India Material Type: printed text Authors: SINGH, R.V. ; , Publisher: Bangkok : Regional Wood Energy Development Programme in Asia Publication Date: 1991 Pagination: , 67p, , General note: Field Document; 287 Languages : (En) Small scale multipurpose tree production systems in a mountainous region of India [printed text] / SINGH, R.V. ; , . - Bangkok : Regional Wood Energy Development Programme in Asia, 1991 . - , 67p, ,.
Field Document; 287
Languages : (En)Copies (1)
Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status 5619, D2404 5619, D2404 Document DFRSL Books Not for loan