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Author BOYCE, S.G. |
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Biological and sociological basis for a rational use of forest resources for energy and organics: an international workshop, May 6-11, 1979... Michigan State University, East Lonsing, Michigan / BOYCE, S.G.
Title : Biological and sociological basis for a rational use of forest resources for energy and organics: an international workshop, May 6-11, 1979... Michigan State University, East Lonsing, Michigan Material Type: printed text Authors: BOYCE, S.G. ; , Publisher: Asheville, NC : US Department of Agriculture Publication Date: 1979 Pagination: , x, 193p, , General note: Sponsered by the Man and the Biosphere Committees of Canada, Mexico and the United States Languages : (En) Keywords: forests and forestry social aspects biomass energy Class number: 634.98 BOY Biological and sociological basis for a rational use of forest resources for energy and organics: an international workshop, May 6-11, 1979... Michigan State University, East Lonsing, Michigan [printed text] / BOYCE, S.G. ; , . - Asheville, NC : US Department of Agriculture, 1979 . - , x, 193p, ,.
Sponsered by the Man and the Biosphere Committees of Canada, Mexico and the United States
Languages : (En)
Keywords: forests and forestry social aspects biomass energy Class number: 634.98 BOY Copies (1)
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