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Author BHATTARAI, T.N. |
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Community forestry private planting survey results , In: Nepal Forestry Technical Information Bulletin (NEFTIB) / CAMPBELL, J.G.
Title : Community forestry private planting survey results , In: Nepal Forestry Technical Information Bulletin (NEFTIB) Material Type: printed text Authors: CAMPBELL, J.G. ; BHATTARAI, T.N. ; ,GINKEL, R.v. Publication Date: 1983 Pagination: : 8, 25-32p, , Languages : (En) Keywords: community forestry Nepal - hills planting Community forestry private planting survey results , In: Nepal Forestry Technical Information Bulletin (NEFTIB) [printed text] / CAMPBELL, J.G. ; BHATTARAI, T.N. ; ,GINKEL, R.v. . - 1983 . - : 8, 25-32p, ,.
Languages : (En)
Keywords: community forestry Nepal - hills planting Data collection guidelines for monitoring and Evaluation of community forestry activities in Nepal/T.N. Bhattarai and J.G. Campbell / BHATTARAI, T.N.
Title : Data collection guidelines for monitoring and Evaluation of community forestry activities in Nepal/T.N. Bhattarai and J.G. Campbell Material Type: printed text Authors: BHATTARAI, T.N. ; , Publisher: Kathmandu : Community Forestry Development Project (CFDP) Publication Date: 1984 ? Pagination: , 109p, , Languages : (En) Keywords: community forestry data collection evaluation Data collection guidelines for monitoring and Evaluation of community forestry activities in Nepal/T.N. Bhattarai and J.G. Campbell [printed text] / BHATTARAI, T.N. ; , . - Kathmandu : Community Forestry Development Project (CFDP), 1984 ? . - , 109p, ,.
Languages : (En)
Keywords: community forestry data collection evaluation Copies (1)
Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status 608, D553 608, D553 Document DFRSL Books Not for loan Monitoring and evaluation system for community forestry development in Nepal / BHATTARAI, T.N.
Title : Monitoring and evaluation system for community forestry development in Nepal Material Type: printed text Authors: BHATTARAI, T.N. ; , Publisher: Nepal : Community Forestry Development Project (CFDP) Publication Date: 1982 Pagination: , (various pagings) :ill. + maps, , General note: Field Document No. 4 Languages : (En) Keywords: community forestry evaluation forestry development Monitoring and evaluation system for community forestry development in Nepal [printed text] / BHATTARAI, T.N. ; , . - Nepal : Community Forestry Development Project (CFDP), 1982 . - , (various pagings) :ill. + maps, ,.
Field Document No. 4
Languages : (En)
Keywords: community forestry evaluation forestry development Copies (1)
Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status D289 D289 Document DFRSL Books Not for loan Monitoring and evaluation system community forestry development in Nepal / CAMPBELL, J.G.
Title : Monitoring and evaluation system community forestry development in Nepal Material Type: printed text Authors: CAMPBELL, J.G. ; BHATTARAI, T.N. ; , Publisher: Kathmandu : Community Forestry Development Project (CFDP) Publication Date: 1984 Pagination: , 39p. :ill, , General note: Field Document no. 40 Languages : (En) Keywords: community forestry fuelburners Monitoring and evaluation system community forestry development in Nepal [printed text] / CAMPBELL, J.G. ; BHATTARAI, T.N. ; , . - Kathmandu : Community Forestry Development Project (CFDP), 1984 . - , 39p. :ill, ,.
Field Document no. 40
Languages : (En)
Keywords: community forestry fuelburners Copies (1)
Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status 3746, D1431 3746, D1431 Document DFRSL Books Not for loan Who should bear cost of forest conservation , In: The Nepal Journal of Forestry / BHATTARAI, T.N.
Title : Who should bear cost of forest conservation , In: The Nepal Journal of Forestry Material Type: printed text Authors: BHATTARAI, T.N. ; , Publication Date: 1982 Pagination: v. 6 : 1, 17-223p, , General note: Summary in Nepali Languages : (En) Keywords: forest conservation Nepal Who should bear cost of forest conservation , In: The Nepal Journal of Forestry [printed text] / BHATTARAI, T.N. ; , . - 1982 . - v. 6 : 1, 17-223p, ,.
Summary in Nepali
Languages : (En)
Keywords: forest conservation Nepal Social forestry: a rural reforestation programme , In: The Nepal Journal of Forestry / BHATTARAI, T.N.PermalinkWood burning stove programme of the community forestry project in Nepal. Guidelines for the monitoring of pilot stove development schemes. Interim version V. 2: case studies / BHATTARAI, T.N.PermalinkWood energy policy, supply sustainability and distribution strategy for fuelwood based rural industries in Nepal / BHATTARAI, T.N.Permalink