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Library items with class number 581.1335 WAL
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The Diagnosie of Mineral Deficiencies in Plants / WALLANCE, T.
Title : The Diagnosie of Mineral Deficiencies in Plants Material Type: printed text Authors: WALLANCE, T. ; , Publisher: London : Her Majest's Stationary office Publication Date: 1961 Pagination: , 125p., , Languages : (En) Keywords: Plant Diagnosis Class number: 581.1335 WAL The Diagnosie of Mineral Deficiencies in Plants [printed text] / WALLANCE, T. ; , . - London : Her Majest's Stationary office, 1961 . - , 125p., ,.
Languages : (En)
Keywords: Plant Diagnosis Class number: 581.1335 WAL Copies (1)
Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status 4458, 581.1335 WAL Document DFRSL Books Not for loan The diagnosis of mineral deficiencies in plants by visual symptoms: a colour atlas and guide / WALLACE, T.
Title : The diagnosis of mineral deficiencies in plants by visual symptoms: a colour atlas and guide Material Type: printed text Authors: WALLACE, T. ; , Edition statement: 3rd. ed Publisher: London : Her Majesty's Stationary Office (HMSO) Publication Date: 1961 Pagination: , 125p. :ill, , Languages : (En) Keywords: plants, effect jof minerals on Class number: 581.1335 WAL The diagnosis of mineral deficiencies in plants by visual symptoms: a colour atlas and guide [printed text] / WALLACE, T. ; , . - 3rd. ed . - London : Her Majesty's Stationary Office (HMSO), 1961 . - , 125p. :ill, ,.
Languages : (En)
Keywords: plants, effect jof minerals on Class number: 581.1335 WAL Copies (1)
Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status 269,4458,1608 1656, 581.1335 WAL Document DFRSL Books Not for loan The diagnosis of mineral deficiencies in plants by visual symptoms: a colour atlas and guide / WALLACE, T...
Title : The diagnosis of mineral deficiencies in plants by visual symptoms: a colour atlas and guide Material Type: printed text Authors: WALLACE, T... ; , Publisher: London : Her Majesty's Stationery office Publication Date: 1961 Pagination: , 125p., , Languages : (En) Keywords: diagnosis Mineral plant Class number: 581.1335 WAL The diagnosis of mineral deficiencies in plants by visual symptoms: a colour atlas and guide [printed text] / WALLACE, T... ; , . - London : Her Majesty's Stationery office, 1961 . - , 125p., ,.
Languages : (En)
Keywords: diagnosis Mineral plant Class number: 581.1335 WAL Copies (1)
Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status 4458 - B, 581.1335 WAL Document DFRSL Books Not for loan