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Library items with class number 634.9562 BUR
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Seeding of some Tropical trees and shrubs mainly of south east asia / BURGER, D. HZN
Title : Seeding of some Tropical trees and shrubs mainly of south east asia Material Type: printed text Authors: BURGER, D. HZN ; , Publisher: Dehra Dun : International Book Distributors Publication Date: 1989 Pagination: , 399p., , ISBN (or other code): 978-81-7089-110-9 Languages : (En) Keywords: Tropical Trees seed shrubs Class number: 634.9562 BUR Seeding of some Tropical trees and shrubs mainly of south east asia [printed text] / BURGER, D. HZN ; , . - Dehra Dun : International Book Distributors, 1989 . - , 399p., ,.
ISBN : 978-81-7089-110-9
Languages : (En)
Keywords: Tropical Trees seed shrubs Class number: 634.9562 BUR Copies (1)
Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status 4842, 634.9562 BUR Document DFRSL Books Not for loan Seedlings of some tropical trees and shrubs mainly of south east Asia / BURGER, D.
Title : Seedlings of some tropical trees and shrubs mainly of south east Asia Material Type: printed text Authors: BURGER, D. ; , Publisher: Dehra Dun, India : International Book Distributors Publication Date: 1989 Pagination: , 399p, :ill, , Languages : (En) Keywords: seedling tropics shrubs South East Asia Class number: 634.9562 BUR Seedlings of some tropical trees and shrubs mainly of south east Asia [printed text] / BURGER, D. ; , . - Dehra Dun, India : International Book Distributors, 1989 . - , 399p, :ill, ,.
Languages : (En)
Keywords: seedling tropics shrubs South East Asia Class number: 634.9562 BUR Copies (1)
Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status 4042 , 634.9562 BUR Document DFRSL Books Not for loan