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Forest Management and Utilization Development Project HMGN/FINNIDA/FMUDP
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Articles on FMUDP Activities / WIKBERG, ANDERS
Title : Articles on FMUDP Activities Material Type: printed text Authors: WIKBERG, ANDERS ; , Publisher: Kathmandu : Forest Management and Utilization Development Project HMGN/FINNIDA/FMUDP Publication Date: 1995 Pagination: , 114p., , General note: FMUDP Working paper No.14 Languages : (En) Keywords: articles, efd, finnida, fmudp, nepal, sal, shorea robusta, terai, articles Articles on FMUDP Activities [printed text] / WIKBERG, ANDERS ; , . - Kathmandu : Forest Management and Utilization Development Project HMGN/FINNIDA/FMUDP, 1995 . - , 114p., ,.
FMUDP Working paper No.14
Languages : (En)
Keywords: articles, efd, finnida, fmudp, nepal, sal, shorea robusta, terai, articles Copies (1)
Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status 5859, D2593 5859, D2593 Document DFRSL Books Not for loan (FINAL DRAFT) TRAINING MANUAL for FOREST INVENTORY FIELD WORK in operational forest management planning / WIKBERG, ANDERS AND ACHARYA, KRISHNA PRASADCopies (1)
Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status D2667 D2667 Document DFRSL Books Not for loan Forest Utilization in Community forestry / ACHARYA, M.P. and SKARNER, G.A.
Title : Forest Utilization in Community forestry Material Type: printed text Authors: ACHARYA, M.P. and SKARNER, G.A. ; , Publisher: Kathmandu : Forest Management and Utilization Development Project HMGN/FINNIDA/FMUDP Publication Date: 1993 Pagination: , 11p. and Appendix vi, , General note: Working Paper No.6 Languages : (En) Keywords: forest Utilization, community forestry Appropriate technology, checklists, forestry, efd, finnida, fmudp, utilization, Harvesting, labour intensive, Nepal, skarner, tool manufacture, supply, tools, transport, utilization Forest Utilization in Community forestry [printed text] / ACHARYA, M.P. and SKARNER, G.A. ; , . - Kathmandu : Forest Management and Utilization Development Project HMGN/FINNIDA/FMUDP, 1993 . - , 11p. and Appendix vi, ,.
Working Paper No.6
Languages : (En)
Keywords: forest Utilization, community forestry Appropriate technology, checklists, forestry, efd, finnida, fmudp, utilization, Harvesting, labour intensive, Nepal, skarner, tool manufacture, supply, tools, transport, utilization Copies (1)
Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status D2639 D2639 Document DFRSL Books Not for loan Growth and Yield Models for Uniform sal (shorea Robusta Gaertn.f.) forests in the Bhabar - Terai in Nepal / RAUTIAINEN, OLAVI
Title : Growth and Yield Models for Uniform sal (shorea Robusta Gaertn.f.) forests in the Bhabar - Terai in Nepal Material Type: printed text Authors: RAUTIAINEN, OLAVI ; , Publisher: Kathmandu : Forest Management and Utilization Development Project HMGN/FINNIDA/FMUDP Publication Date: 1995 Pagination: , 15p and Graph 9, , General note: FMUDP Technical Report No. 17 Languages : (En) Keywords: Growth and Yield Models - Sal Shorea Robusta Gaertn, Forests Bhabar Terai in Nepal, Finnida, Fmudp, Growth, Rautiainen, Sal, Robusta, Terai, Growth and Yield Models for Uniform sal (shorea Robusta Gaertn.f.) forests in the Bhabar - Terai in Nepal [printed text] / RAUTIAINEN, OLAVI ; , . - Kathmandu : Forest Management and Utilization Development Project HMGN/FINNIDA/FMUDP, 1995 . - , 15p and Graph 9, ,.
FMUDP Technical Report No. 17
Languages : (En)
Keywords: Growth and Yield Models - Sal Shorea Robusta Gaertn, Forests Bhabar Terai in Nepal, Finnida, Fmudp, Growth, Rautiainen, Sal, Robusta, Terai, Copies (1)
Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status D2665 D2665 Document DFRSL Books Not for loan Guidelines for forest inventory field work in Operational forest management Planning (OFMP) / SEPPANEN, HARRI AND WIKBERG ANDERS
Title : Guidelines for forest inventory field work in Operational forest management Planning (OFMP) Material Type: printed text Authors: SEPPANEN, HARRI AND WIKBERG ANDERS ; , Publisher: Kathmandu : Forest Management and Utilization Development Project HMGN/FINNIDA/FMUDP Publication Date: 1995 Pagination: , 11p. and Appendix 16, , General note: FMUDP Technical Report No.16 Languages : (En) Keywords: Guidelines forest Inventory Compass, Development Class, EFD, Finnida, FMUDP, Forest Inventory, management planning, Guidelines, Harvesting Methods, Hypsometer, Nepal, Ofmp, Photo Interpretation, plot form, Relascope, sal, Shorea robusta, Silvicultural Treatment, Terai Guidelines for forest inventory field work in Operational forest management Planning (OFMP) [printed text] / SEPPANEN, HARRI AND WIKBERG ANDERS ; , . - Kathmandu : Forest Management and Utilization Development Project HMGN/FINNIDA/FMUDP, 1995 . - , 11p. and Appendix 16, ,.
FMUDP Technical Report No.16
Languages : (En)
Keywords: Guidelines forest Inventory Compass, Development Class, EFD, Finnida, FMUDP, Forest Inventory, management planning, Guidelines, Harvesting Methods, Hypsometer, Nepal, Ofmp, Photo Interpretation, plot form, Relascope, sal, Shorea robusta, Silvicultural Treatment, Terai Guidelines for forest Utilization Operations for Implementation of Operational forest Management Plans in the Terai / JOSHI, S.P. and SKARNER, G.A.PermalinkNatural Regeneration Potential of mixed sal (Sorea robusta Gaertn.) forests in Nepal / SUOHEIMO, JOUNIPermalinkSilvicultural Guidelines for the Implementation of Operational forest management plans in the Terai, Nepal / JOSHI, S.P., RAUTIAINEN AND SUOHEIMO, J.PermalinkA Socio - Econmic Study of Participatory Issues in forest Management in the Terai / THACKER, P., GAUTAM, K.H.,Permalink