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Author BAIDYA, H.R. |
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Farm irrigation and water management / BAIDYA, H.R.
Title : Farm irrigation and water management Material Type: printed text Authors: BAIDYA, H.R. ; , Publisher: Kathmandu : Royal Nepal Academy Publication Date: 1968 Pagination: , iv, 238, viip. :ill, , General note: 2nd copy = reference Languages : (En) Keywords: irrigation farming - Nepal water resources development Nepal Class number: 631.7 BAI Farm irrigation and water management [printed text] / BAIDYA, H.R. ; , . - Kathmandu : Royal Nepal Academy, 1968 . - , iv, 238, viip. :ill, ,.
2nd copy = reference
Languages : (En)
Keywords: irrigation farming - Nepal water resources development Nepal Class number: 631.7 BAI Copies (1)
Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status 659, 660, 661 801, 631.7 BAI Document DFRSL Books Not for loan Fodder extension / BAIDYA, H.R.
Title : Fodder extension Material Type: printed text Authors: BAIDYA, H.R. ; , Publication Date: 1988 Pagination: , 11p, , General note: In Robinson, P.J. eds, Proceedings of the second meeting of the working group on fodder trees ... Languages : (En) Keywords: fodder Nepal - Sindhuplchok Fodder extension [printed text] / BAIDYA, H.R. ; , . - 1988 . - , 11p, ,.
In Robinson, P.J. eds, Proceedings of the second meeting of the working group on fodder trees ...
Languages : (En)
Keywords: fodder Nepal - Sindhuplchok Fodder extension in 1990 / BAIDYA, H.R.
Title : Fodder extension in 1990 Material Type: printed text Authors: BAIDYA, H.R. ; , Publication Date: 1990 Pagination: , 11-15p, , General note: In Amatya, S.M. and Philip, M.S. comp. Proceedings of the third meeting of the working group ...1989 Languages : (En) Keywords: fodder extension Leucaena psyllid Nepal Fodder extension in 1990 [printed text] / BAIDYA, H.R. ; , . - 1990 . - , 11-15p, ,.
In Amatya, S.M. and Philip, M.S. comp. Proceedings of the third meeting of the working group ...1989
Languages : (En)
Keywords: fodder extension Leucaena psyllid Nepal History of improved cook stoves (ICS) in Nepal / BAIDYA, H.R.
Title : History of improved cook stoves (ICS) in Nepal Material Type: printed text Authors: BAIDYA, H.R. ; , Publisher: Kathmandu : Forestry Development Project. Ministry of Forests and Environment Publication Date: 1992 Pagination: , 7-9p, , General note: In Improved cooking stoves: the Nepal experience, report on seminar proceedings, Kathmandu ... Languages : (En) Keywords: fuelburners - Nepal History of improved cook stoves (ICS) in Nepal [printed text] / BAIDYA, H.R. ; , . - Kathmandu : Forestry Development Project. Ministry of Forests and Environment, 1992 . - , 7-9p, ,.
In Improved cooking stoves: the Nepal experience, report on seminar proceedings, Kathmandu ...
Languages : (En)
Keywords: fuelburners - Nepal Ipil Ipil: a very useful plant = Ipil Ipil: Ati Upayogi Biruwa / BAIDYA, H.R.
Title : Ipil Ipil: a very useful plant = Ipil Ipil: Ati Upayogi Biruwa Material Type: printed text Authors: BAIDYA, H.R. ; , Publisher: Kathmandu : World Neighbours Publication Date: 2040 B.S. Pagination: , 33p. :ill, , Languages : (Nep) Keywords: Leucaena multipurpose tree Ipil Ipil: a very useful plant = Ipil Ipil: Ati Upayogi Biruwa [printed text] / BAIDYA, H.R. ; , . - Kathmandu : World Neighbours, 2040 B.S. . - , 33p. :ill, ,.
Languages : (Nep)
Keywords: Leucaena multipurpose tree Copies (1)
Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status 2293, D307 2293, D307 Document DFRSL Books Not for loan