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Author KUNKLE, S.H. |
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Forestry support for agriculture throuth watershed mangement, windbreaks, and other conservation measures / KUNKLE, S.H.
Title : Forestry support for agriculture throuth watershed mangement, windbreaks, and other conservation measures Material Type: printed text Authors: KUNKLE, S.H. ; , Publisher: Jakarta, Indonesia : World Forestry Congress Publication Date: 1978 Pagination: , 113-138p, , Vol. 3 General note: Position paper FFF/5In Proceedings of the Eighth World Forestry Congress, Jakarta, 1978 Languages : (En) Keywords: watershed management Class number: 634.9 WOR Forestry support for agriculture throuth watershed mangement, windbreaks, and other conservation measures [printed text] / KUNKLE, S.H. ; , . - Jakarta, Indonesia : World Forestry Congress, 1978 . - , 113-138p, , Vol. 3.
Position paper FFF/5In Proceedings of the Eighth World Forestry Congress, Jakarta, 1978
Languages : (En)
Keywords: watershed management Class number: 634.9 WOR Hydrological techniques for upstream conservation / KUNKLE, S.H.
Title : Hydrological techniques for upstream conservation Material Type: printed text Authors: KUNKLE, S.H. ; , Publisher: Rome : Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) Publication Date: 1976 Pagination: , xi, 134p. :ill, , ISBN (or other code): 92-5-1--100115-4 Languages : (En) Keywords: hydrology soil conservation Class number: SER FAO CG 2 Hydrological techniques for upstream conservation [printed text] / KUNKLE, S.H. ; , . - Rome : Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), 1976 . - , xi, 134p. :ill, ,.
ISSN : 92-5-1--100115-4
Languages : (En)
Keywords: hydrology soil conservation Class number: SER FAO CG 2 Copies (1)
Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status 3194, SER FAO CG 2 Document DFRSL Books Not for loan