Author details
Author SHUKLA, R.P. |
Available item(s) by this author

Architecture and growth strategies of tropical trees in relation to successful status , In: Journal of Ecology / SHUKLA, R.P.
Title : Architecture and growth strategies of tropical trees in relation to successful status , In: Journal of Ecology Material Type: printed text Authors: SHUKLA, R.P. ; , Publication Date: 1986 Pagination: v. 74 : 1, 33-46p, , Languages : (En) Keywords: succession tree architecture rain forest ecology Architecture and growth strategies of tropical trees in relation to successful status , In: Journal of Ecology [printed text] / SHUKLA, R.P. ; , . - 1986 . - v. 74 : 1, 33-46p, ,.
Languages : (En)
Keywords: succession tree architecture rain forest ecology Biomass allocation strategies and productivity of tropical trees related to successional status , In: Forest Ecology and Management / SHUKLA, R.P.
Title : Biomass allocation strategies and productivity of tropical trees related to successional status , In: Forest Ecology and Management Material Type: printed text Authors: SHUKLA, R.P. ; RAMAKRISHNAN, P.S. ; , Publication Date: 1984 Pagination: v. 9 : 4, 315-324p, , Languages : (En) Keywords: biomass tropics Biomass allocation strategies and productivity of tropical trees related to successional status , In: Forest Ecology and Management [printed text] / SHUKLA, R.P. ; RAMAKRISHNAN, P.S. ; , . - 1984 . - v. 9 : 4, 315-324p, ,.
Languages : (En)
Keywords: biomass tropics