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Author SHARMA, E. |
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Altitudinal variation in nitrogenase activity of the Himalayan alder naturally regenerating on landslide-affected sites , In: New Phytologist / SHARMA, E.
Title : Altitudinal variation in nitrogenase activity of the Himalayan alder naturally regenerating on landslide-affected sites , In: New Phytologist Material Type: printed text Authors: SHARMA, E. ; , Publication Date: 1988 Pagination: v. 108 : 4, 411-416p, , Languages : (En) Keywords: Alnus nepalensis nitrogen fixation Class number: FA 49/5182 Altitudinal variation in nitrogenase activity of the Himalayan alder naturally regenerating on landslide-affected sites , In: New Phytologist [printed text] / SHARMA, E. ; , . - 1988 . - v. 108 : 4, 411-416p, ,.
Languages : (En)
Keywords: Alnus nepalensis nitrogen fixation Class number: FA 49/5182 Chemical soil properties under five age series of Alnus nepalensis plantations in the Eastern Himalayas , In: Plant and Soil / SHARMA, E.
Title : Chemical soil properties under five age series of Alnus nepalensis plantations in the Eastern Himalayas , In: Plant and Soil Material Type: printed text Authors: SHARMA, E. ; , Publication Date: 1985 Pagination: v. 84 : 1, 105-113p, , Languages : (En) Keywords: Alnus nepalensis soil chemistry Class number: FA 47/3438 Chemical soil properties under five age series of Alnus nepalensis plantations in the Eastern Himalayas , In: Plant and Soil [printed text] / SHARMA, E. ; , . - 1985 . - v. 84 : 1, 105-113p, ,.
Languages : (En)
Keywords: Alnus nepalensis soil chemistry Class number: FA 47/3438 Nitrogen accretion and its energetics in the Himalayan alder , In: Functional Ecology / SHARMA, E.
Title : Nitrogen accretion and its energetics in the Himalayan alder , In: Functional Ecology Material Type: printed text Authors: SHARMA, E. ; AMBASHT, R.S. ; , Publication Date: 1988 Pagination: v. 2 : 2, 229-235p, , Languages : (En) Keywords: Alnus nepalensis ecology nitrogen fixation Class number: FA 50/673 Nitrogen accretion and its energetics in the Himalayan alder , In: Functional Ecology [printed text] / SHARMA, E. ; AMBASHT, R.S. ; , . - 1988 . - v. 2 : 2, 229-235p, ,.
Languages : (En)
Keywords: Alnus nepalensis ecology nitrogen fixation Class number: FA 50/673 Root nodule age-class transition, production and decomposition in an age sequence of Alnus nepalensis plantation stands in the eastern Himalayas , In: Journal of Applied Ecology / SHARMA, E.
Title : Root nodule age-class transition, production and decomposition in an age sequence of Alnus nepalensis plantation stands in the eastern Himalayas , In: Journal of Applied Ecology Material Type: printed text Authors: SHARMA, E. ; AMBASHT, R.S. ; , Publication Date: 1986 Pagination: v. 23 : 2, 689-701p, , Languages : (En) Keywords: Alnus nepalensis nodules Class number: FA 49/4601 Root nodule age-class transition, production and decomposition in an age sequence of Alnus nepalensis plantation stands in the eastern Himalayas , In: Journal of Applied Ecology [printed text] / SHARMA, E. ; AMBASHT, R.S. ; , . - 1986 . - v. 23 : 2, 689-701p, ,.
Languages : (En)
Keywords: Alnus nepalensis nodules Class number: FA 49/4601 Seasonal variation in nitrogen fixation by root nodules of Alnus nepalensis plantations in the eastern Himalayas , In: Journal of Applied Ecology / SHARMA, E.
Title : Seasonal variation in nitrogen fixation by root nodules of Alnus nepalensis plantations in the eastern Himalayas , In: Journal of Applied Ecology Material Type: printed text Authors: SHARMA, E. ; , Publication Date: 1984 Pagination: v. 21 : 1, 265-270p, , Languages : (En) Keywords: Alnus nepalensis nitrogen fixation Class number: FA 47/4273 Seasonal variation in nitrogen fixation by root nodules of Alnus nepalensis plantations in the eastern Himalayas , In: Journal of Applied Ecology [printed text] / SHARMA, E. ; , . - 1984 . - v. 21 : 1, 265-270p, ,.
Languages : (En)
Keywords: Alnus nepalensis nitrogen fixation Class number: FA 47/4273