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Author BENGILALI, B. |
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[A method of studying the antimicrobial properties of essential oils by direct contact in agar medium]. Methode d'etude des proprietes antiseptiques des huiles essentielles par contact direct en milieu gelose , In: Plantes Medicinales et Phytotherapie / BENGILALI, B.
Title : [A method of studying the antimicrobial properties of essential oils by direct contact in agar medium]. Methode d'etude des proprietes antiseptiques des huiles essentielles par contact direct en milieu gelose , In: Plantes Medicinales et Phytotherapie Material Type: printed text Authors: BENGILALI, B. ; , Publication Date: 1986 Pagination: v. 20 : 2, 155-167p, , Languages : (En,) Keywords: essential oils medicinal plants Class number: FPA 10/0722 [A method of studying the antimicrobial properties of essential oils by direct contact in agar medium]. Methode d'etude des proprietes antiseptiques des huiles essentielles par contact direct en milieu gelose , In: Plantes Medicinales et Phytotherapie [printed text] / BENGILALI, B. ; , . - 1986 . - v. 20 : 2, 155-167p, ,.
Languages : (En,)
Keywords: essential oils medicinal plants Class number: FPA 10/0722