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Author SEAFORTH, C.E. |
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Research and marketing of local herbs and spices: herbs and spices as foods and drugs / SEAFORTH, C.E.
Title : Research and marketing of local herbs and spices: herbs and spices as foods and drugs Material Type: printed text Authors: SEAFORTH, C.E. ; , Publisher: Centeno : Central Experiment Station, Ministry of Agriculture, Lands and Food Production, Trinidad Tobago Publication Date: 1984 Pagination: , 7p, , Languages : (En) Keywords: medicinal plants minor forest porducts Class number: A87-012396 Research and marketing of local herbs and spices: herbs and spices as foods and drugs [printed text] / SEAFORTH, C.E. ; , . - Centeno : Central Experiment Station, Ministry of Agriculture, Lands and Food Production, Trinidad Tobago, 1984 . - , 7p, ,.
Languages : (En)
Keywords: medicinal plants minor forest porducts Class number: A87-012396