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Author ECKHOLM, E. |
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Planting for the future: forestry for human needs / ECKHOLM, E.
Title : Planting for the future: forestry for human needs Material Type: printed text Authors: ECKHOLM, E. ; , Publisher: Washington, D.C. : World Watch Institute Publication Date: 1979 Pagination: , 64p, , ISBN (or other code): 0-916467-25-9 Languages : (En) Keywords: afforestation community forests Class number: 634.9 ECK Planting for the future: forestry for human needs [printed text] / ECKHOLM, E. ; , . - Washington, D.C. : World Watch Institute, 1979 . - , 64p, ,.
ISSN : 0-916467-25-9
Languages : (En)
Keywords: afforestation community forests Class number: 634.9 ECK Copies (1)
Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status 772, 634.9 ECK Document DFRSL Books Not for loan Strategies for dealing with the firewood problem: summary of remarks / ECKHOLM, E.
Title : Strategies for dealing with the firewood problem: summary of remarks Material Type: printed text Authors: ECKHOLM, E. ; , Publisher: (s.l.) : (s.n.) Publication Date: 1979 ? Pagination: , 3p, , General note: USAID Asia Bureau Conference on Energy, Forestry and Environment,Manila, Nov.12-16 1979 Languages : (En) Keywords: fuelwood deforestation Asia Strategies for dealing with the firewood problem: summary of remarks [printed text] / ECKHOLM, E. ; , . - (s.l.) : (s.n.), 1979 ? . - , 3p, ,.
USAID Asia Bureau Conference on Energy, Forestry and Environment,Manila, Nov.12-16 1979
Languages : (En)
Keywords: fuelwood deforestation Asia Copies (1)
Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status D380 D380 Document DFRSL Books Not for loan