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Biogas plants in Nepal: an economic analysis / SILWAL, B.B.
Title : Biogas plants in Nepal: an economic analysis Material Type: printed text Authors: SILWAL, B.B. ; , Publisher: Kathmandu : Ministry of Agriculture Publication Date: 1991 Pagination: , 29p, , General note: Research Report Series; 14 Languages : (En) Keywords: biogas - Nepal Biogas plants in Nepal: an economic analysis [printed text] / SILWAL, B.B. ; , . - Kathmandu : Ministry of Agriculture, 1991 . - , 29p, ,.
Research Report Series; 14
Languages : (En)
Keywords: biogas - Nepal Copies (1)
Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status 5037, D2110 5037, D2110 Document DFRSL Books Not for loan "But how does it compare with the real data?": lessons from an RRA training exercise in western Nepal / GILL, G.J.
Title : "But how does it compare with the real data?": lessons from an RRA training exercise in western Nepal Material Type: printed text Authors: GILL, G.J. ; , Publisher: Kathmandu : Ministry of Agriculture Publication Date: 1992 Pagination: , 20p, , General note: Research Report Series; 16 Languages : (En) Keywords: rainfall Nepal - Kaski "But how does it compare with the real data?": lessons from an RRA training exercise in western Nepal [printed text] / GILL, G.J. ; , . - Kathmandu : Ministry of Agriculture, 1992 . - , 20p, ,.
Research Report Series; 16
Languages : (En)
Keywords: rainfall Nepal - Kaski Copies (1)
Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status 5038, D2109 5038, D2109 Document DFRSL Books Not for loan Effect of modern rice varities and irrigation on household income distribution in Nepalese villages / THAPA, G.
Title : Effect of modern rice varities and irrigation on household income distribution in Nepalese villages Material Type: printed text Authors: THAPA, G. ; OTSUKA, K. ; ,BARKER, R. Publisher: Kathmandu : Ministry of Agriculture Publication Date: 1993 Pagination: , ii, 29p, , General note: Winrock Research Report Series; 23 Languages : (En) Keywords: agriculture - Nepal Effect of modern rice varities and irrigation on household income distribution in Nepalese villages [printed text] / THAPA, G. ; OTSUKA, K. ; ,BARKER, R. . - Kathmandu : Ministry of Agriculture, 1993 . - , ii, 29p, ,.
Winrock Research Report Series; 23
Languages : (En)
Keywords: agriculture - Nepal Copies (1)
Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status 5364, D2239 5364, D2239 Document DFRSL Books Not for loan Farmer-managed irrigation systems in Nepal: the impact of interventions / SHIVAKOTI, G.
Title : Farmer-managed irrigation systems in Nepal: the impact of interventions Material Type: printed text Authors: SHIVAKOTI, G. ; GIRI, K. ; ,OSTROM, E. Publisher: Kathmandu : Ministry of Agriculture Publication Date: 1992 Pagination: , ii; 35p, , General note: Research Report Series; 18 Languages : (En) Keywords: farming systems irrigation - Nepal Farmer-managed irrigation systems in Nepal: the impact of interventions [printed text] / SHIVAKOTI, G. ; GIRI, K. ; ,OSTROM, E. . - Kathmandu : Ministry of Agriculture, 1992 . - , ii; 35p, ,.
Research Report Series; 18
Languages : (En)
Keywords: farming systems irrigation - Nepal Copies (1)
Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status 5188, D2153 5188, D2153 Document DFRSL Books Not for loan Indigenous soil fertility management in the hills of Nepal: lessenss from an east-west transect / TAMANG, D.
Title : Indigenous soil fertility management in the hills of Nepal: lessenss from an east-west transect Material Type: printed text Authors: TAMANG, D. ; , Publisher: Kathmandu : Ministry of Agriculture Publication Date: 1992 Pagination: , v, 59p, , General note: Research Report Series; 19 Languages : (En) Keywords: soil fertility Nepal - hills Indigenous soil fertility management in the hills of Nepal: lessenss from an east-west transect [printed text] / TAMANG, D. ; , . - Kathmandu : Ministry of Agriculture, 1992 . - , v, 59p, ,.
Research Report Series; 19
Languages : (En)
Keywords: soil fertility Nepal - hills Copies (1)
Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status 5189, D2154 5189, D2154 Document DFRSL Books Not for loan Major agro-forestry activities of non-governmental organizations in Nepal: a survey / DENHOLMA, J.PermalinkMID TERM EVALUATION OF THE HMG MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE-WINROCK INTERNATIONAL PROGRAM ON POLICY ANALYSIS IN AGRICULTURE AND RELATED RESOURCES MANAGEMENT / Battrall, A. Pyakuryal, K. Regmi, N.PermalinkPolicy analysis for agricultural resource management in Nepal: a comparison of conventional and participatory approaches / GILL, J.G.PermalinkProceedings of a consultative workshop on perspective planning for agriculture and related resource management / POKHAREL, C.P.PermalinkReadings in social forestry and natural resource management for Nepal / MESSERSCHMIDT, D.APermalinkTraditional systems of forest and pasture management: a case study from central Nepal / DEVKOTA, P.L.PermalinkTraining Nepalese in agricultural research and development planning: seminar reports / Nepal. Ministry of AgriculturePermalinkWomen in forestry: study of a women's forest committee in a Nepalese village / REGMI, S.C.Permalink