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Author KARKI, A.B. |
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Bio - Gas programme in Nepal - a review , In: Bio Gas / KARKI, A.B.
Title : Bio - Gas programme in Nepal - a review , In: Bio Gas Material Type: printed text Authors: KARKI, A.B. ; , Publication Date: 1979 Pagination: v. 4 : -, 5-7p, , Languages : (En) Keywords: bio gas Bio - Gas programme in Nepal - a review , In: Bio Gas [printed text] / KARKI, A.B. ; , . - 1979 . - v. 4 : -, 5-7p, ,.
Languages : (En)
Keywords: bio gas (Gobar gas: demand and challenge of time) = Gobar Gas: Samayako Mag Ra Hank / KARKI, A.B.
Title : (Gobar gas: demand and challenge of time) = Gobar Gas: Samayako Mag Ra Hank Material Type: printed text Authors: KARKI, A.B. ; , Publisher: Lalitpur : Ajaya Karki Publication Date: 1976 Pagination: , 67p, , Languages : (Nep) Keywords: ACQUI20gobar gas biomass production (Gobar gas: demand and challenge of time) = Gobar Gas: Samayako Mag Ra Hank [printed text] / KARKI, A.B. ; , . - Lalitpur : Ajaya Karki, 1976 . - , 67p, ,.
Languages : (Nep)
Keywords: ACQUI20gobar gas biomass production Copies (1)
Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status 4639, D1886 4639, D1886 Document DFRSL Books Not for loan [Techno-socio-economic study of biogas plants in Chitwan District of Nepal (Terai area)] , In: Journal of the Institute of Agriculture and Animal Sciences / KARKI, A.B.
Title : [Techno-socio-economic study of biogas plants in Chitwan District of Nepal (Terai area)] , In: Journal of the Institute of Agriculture and Animal Sciences Material Type: printed text Authors: KARKI, A.B. ; , Publication Date: 1981 Pagination: v. 2 : 2, 57-63p, , General note: AGRIS Languages : (En.) Keywords: energy sociology Class number: A87-037743 [Techno-socio-economic study of biogas plants in Chitwan District of Nepal (Terai area)] , In: Journal of the Institute of Agriculture and Animal Sciences [printed text] / KARKI, A.B. ; , . - 1981 . - v. 2 : 2, 57-63p, ,.
Languages : (En.)
Keywords: energy sociology Class number: A87-037743