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Author BHANDARI, R.S. |
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Effect of neem seed extractives on poplar defoliator Pygaera curpreata Butler (lepidoptera: Notodontidae) in laboratory , In: Indian Forester / BHANDARI, R.S.
Title : Effect of neem seed extractives on poplar defoliator Pygaera curpreata Butler (lepidoptera: Notodontidae) in laboratory , In: Indian Forester Material Type: printed text Authors: BHANDARI, R.S. ; JIA LAL ; ,AYYAR, K.S. Publication Date: 1988 Pagination: v. 114 : 11, 790-795p, , Languages : (En) Keywords: Azadiracta indica Pygaera cupreata insecticides Effect of neem seed extractives on poplar defoliator Pygaera curpreata Butler (lepidoptera: Notodontidae) in laboratory , In: Indian Forester [printed text] / BHANDARI, R.S. ; JIA LAL ; ,AYYAR, K.S. . - 1988 . - v. 114 : 11, 790-795p, ,.
Languages : (En)
Keywords: Azadiracta indica Pygaera cupreata insecticides Epidemic of deodar defoliator Ectropis deodarae Prout (Lepidoptera; Geometridae) in Kamraj Forest Division (J K) and its control by aerial spraying of fenitrothion , In: Indian Forester / SINGH, P.
Title : Epidemic of deodar defoliator Ectropis deodarae Prout (Lepidoptera; Geometridae) in Kamraj Forest Division (J K) and its control by aerial spraying of fenitrothion , In: Indian Forester Material Type: printed text Authors: SINGH, P. ; BHANDARI, R.S. ; ,FASIH, M. Publication Date: 1989 Pagination: v. 115 : 7, 459-474p, , Languages : (En) Keywords: Calosoma beesoni Cedrus deodara Ectropis deodarae insecticides Epidemic of deodar defoliator Ectropis deodarae Prout (Lepidoptera; Geometridae) in Kamraj Forest Division (J K) and its control by aerial spraying of fenitrothion , In: Indian Forester [printed text] / SINGH, P. ; BHANDARI, R.S. ; ,FASIH, M. . - 1989 . - v. 115 : 7, 459-474p, ,.
Languages : (En)
Keywords: Calosoma beesoni Cedrus deodara Ectropis deodarae insecticides Insect pests of bamboos and their control , In: Indian Forester. (Bamboo Special -II) / PRATAP SING
Title : Insect pests of bamboos and their control , In: Indian Forester. (Bamboo Special -II) Material Type: printed text Authors: PRATAP SING ; BHANDARI, R.S. ; , Publication Date: 1988 Pagination: v. 114 : 10, 670-683p + 4plates (+2p. of line drawings), , Languages : (En) Keywords: bamboos insect pests Insect pests of bamboos and their control , In: Indian Forester. (Bamboo Special -II) [printed text] / PRATAP SING ; BHANDARI, R.S. ; , . - 1988 . - v. 114 : 10, 670-683p + 4plates (+2p. of line drawings), ,.
Languages : (En)
Keywords: bamboos insect pests