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McGraw Hill
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Harper's illustrated Biochemistry 1. over 500 illustrations 2. Compreshensive coverage of biochemical diseases and related clinicla information 3. Latest advances in biochemistry and molecular medicine / Murray, R.K.
Title : Harper's illustrated Biochemistry 1. over 500 illustrations 2. Compreshensive coverage of biochemical diseases and related clinicla information 3. Latest advances in biochemistry and molecular medicine Material Type: printed text Authors: Murray, R.K. ; , Edition statement: International ed. Publisher: New Delhi : McGraw Hill Publication Date: 2003 Pagination: , 693p., , ISBN (or other code): 978-0-07-123355-2 Languages : (En) Keywords: Biochemistry - Molecular, Medicine Clinical Information Diseases biochemical Class number: 574.192 MUR Harper's illustrated Biochemistry 1. over 500 illustrations 2. Compreshensive coverage of biochemical diseases and related clinicla information 3. Latest advances in biochemistry and molecular medicine [printed text] / Murray, R.K. ; , . - International ed. . - New Delhi : McGraw Hill, 2003 . - , 693p., ,.
ISBN : 978-0-07-123355-2
Languages : (En)
Keywords: Biochemistry - Molecular, Medicine Clinical Information Diseases biochemical Class number: 574.192 MUR Copies (1)
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