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Land Resource Mapping Project (LRMP)
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Economics report for the far western development region / Kenting Earth Sciences Ltd (KES)
Title : Economics report for the far western development region Material Type: printed text Authors: Kenting Earth Sciences Ltd (KES) ; , Publisher: Kathmandu : Land Resource Mapping Project (LRMP) Publication Date: 1981 Pagination: , 237p, , Languages : (En) Keywords: economics social surveys reports Economics report for the far western development region [printed text] / Kenting Earth Sciences Ltd (KES) ; , . - Kathmandu : Land Resource Mapping Project (LRMP), 1981 . - , 237p, ,.
Languages : (En)
Keywords: economics social surveys reports Copies (1)
Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status 2380, D409 2380, D409 Document DFRSL Books Not for loan Land capability report / CARSON, B.
Title : Land capability report Material Type: printed text Authors: CARSON, B. ; , Publisher: Kathmandu : Land Resource Mapping Project (LRMP) Publication Date: 1986 Pagination: , 55p. :ill + maps, , General note: Kenting Earth Sciences Ltd Languages : (En) Keywords: land classification Land capability report [printed text] / CARSON, B. ; , . - Kathmandu : Land Resource Mapping Project (LRMP), 1986 . - , 55p. :ill + maps, ,.
Kenting Earth Sciences Ltd
Languages : (En)
Keywords: land classification Copies (1)
Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status 3621, D1321 3621, D1321 Document DFRSL Books Not for loan Land utilization report / ZONNEVELD, J.M.
Title : Land utilization report Material Type: printed text Authors: ZONNEVELD, J.M. ; , Publisher: Kathmandu : Land Resource Mapping Project (LRMP) Publication Date: 1986 Pagination: , 112p. :ill + map, , General note: With appendix one to ten in three volumes Languages : (En) Keywords: land use agriculture Kenting Earth Science Ltd Land utilization report [printed text] / ZONNEVELD, J.M. ; , . - Kathmandu : Land Resource Mapping Project (LRMP), 1986 . - , 112p. :ill + map, ,.
With appendix one to ten in three volumes
Languages : (En)
Keywords: land use agriculture Kenting Earth Science Ltd Copies (1)
Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status 3622 and 3625, D1317 3622 and 3625, D1317 Document DFRSL Books Not for loan Land utilization report for the Far and Mid-Western Development Regions / Kenting Earth Sciences Ltd (KES)
Title : Land utilization report for the Far and Mid-Western Development Regions Material Type: printed text Authors: Kenting Earth Sciences Ltd (KES) ; , Publisher: Kathmandu : Land Resource Mapping Project (LRMP) Publication Date: 1982 Pagination: , 121p. :ill, , Languages : (En) Keywords: agriculture land use Land utilization report for the Far and Mid-Western Development Regions [printed text] / Kenting Earth Sciences Ltd (KES) ; , . - Kathmandu : Land Resource Mapping Project (LRMP), 1982 . - , 121p. :ill, ,.
Languages : (En)
Keywords: agriculture land use Copies (1)
Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status 2867, D373 2867, D373 Document DFRSL Books Not for loan