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International Institute for GEO-Information Science and Earth observation Enschede, the Netherlands
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Analysis of forest canopy Density and factors affecting it using rs and Techniques (A case study from chitwan District of Nepal) / PANTA, MENAKA
Title : Analysis of forest canopy Density and factors affecting it using rs and Techniques (A case study from chitwan District of Nepal) Material Type: printed text Authors: PANTA, MENAKA ; , Publisher: Netherland : International Institute for GEO-Information Science and Earth observation Enschede, the Netherlands Publication Date: Feb.2003 Pagination: , 74p, , General note: Thesis Submited to the International Institute for Geo-Information science and earth observation in Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Geo-Information science and Earth bvservation with specialisation forestry for Sustainable Development Languages : (En) Keywords: Thesis MSc Analysis forest canopy Density factores Using Gis Techniques Analysis of forest canopy Density and factors affecting it using rs and Techniques (A case study from chitwan District of Nepal) [printed text] / PANTA, MENAKA ; , . - Netherland : International Institute for GEO-Information Science and Earth observation Enschede, the Netherlands, Feb.2003 . - , 74p, ,.
Thesis Submited to the International Institute for Geo-Information science and earth observation in Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Geo-Information science and Earth bvservation with specialisation forestry for Sustainable Development
Languages : (En)
Keywords: Thesis MSc Analysis forest canopy Density factores Using Gis Techniques Copies (1)
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