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Author PRICE, C. |
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The incidence of illicit felling in afforestation project appraisal: some models illustrated for Eucalyptus plantations in India , In: Journal of World Forest Resource Management / TRIVEDI, S.N.
Title : The incidence of illicit felling in afforestation project appraisal: some models illustrated for Eucalyptus plantations in India , In: Journal of World Forest Resource Management Material Type: printed text Authors: TRIVEDI, S.N. ; PRICE, C. ; , Publication Date: 1988 Pagination: v. 3 : 2, 129-140p, , Languages : (En) Keywords: Eucalyptus tereticornis Class number: FA 50/2365 The incidence of illicit felling in afforestation project appraisal: some models illustrated for Eucalyptus plantations in India , In: Journal of World Forest Resource Management [printed text] / TRIVEDI, S.N. ; PRICE, C. ; , . - 1988 . - v. 3 : 2, 129-140p, ,.
Languages : (En)
Keywords: Eucalyptus tereticornis Class number: FA 50/2365 Investment, reinvestment, and the social discount rate for forestry , In: Forest Ecology and Management / PRICE, C.
Title : Investment, reinvestment, and the social discount rate for forestry , In: Forest Ecology and Management Material Type: printed text Authors: PRICE, C. ; , Publication Date: 1988 Pagination: v. 24 : 4, 293-310p, , Languages : (En) Keywords: investment Investment, reinvestment, and the social discount rate for forestry , In: Forest Ecology and Management [printed text] / PRICE, C. ; , . - 1988 . - v. 24 : 4, 293-310p, ,.
Languages : (En)
Keywords: investment The theory and application of forest economics / PRICE, C.
Title : The theory and application of forest economics Material Type: printed text Authors: PRICE, C. ; , Publisher: Oxford : Basil Blackwell Publication Date: 1989 Pagination: , xiii, 402p, , ISBN (or other code): 0-631-15366-7 pbk Languages : (En) Keywords: forests and forestry - economic aspects Class number: 338.17492 PRI The theory and application of forest economics [printed text] / PRICE, C. ; , . - Oxford : Basil Blackwell, 1989 . - , xiii, 402p, ,.
ISSN : 0-631-15366-7 pbk
Languages : (En)
Keywords: forests and forestry - economic aspects Class number: 338.17492 PRI Copies (1)
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