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Author MISHRA, D. |
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Nepal's development of Democracy and Election of kathmandu Valley / MISHRA, D.
Title : Nepal's development of Democracy and Election of kathmandu Valley Material Type: printed text Authors: MISHRA, D. ; , Publisher: kathmandu : Sirmila mishra Publication Date: 2060 B.S. Pagination: , 216p., , ISBN (or other code): 978-99933-34-92-7 Languages : (Nep) Keywords: development Democracy - Nepal Class number: 320.5 MIS Nepal's development of Democracy and Election of kathmandu Valley [printed text] / MISHRA, D. ; , . - kathmandu : Sirmila mishra, 2060 B.S. . - , 216p., ,.
ISBN : 978-99933-34-92-7
Languages : (Nep)
Keywords: development Democracy - Nepal Class number: 320.5 MIS Copies (1)
Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status 6422, 320.5 MIS Document DFRSL Books Not for loan Tanahun In Nepal = Nepal Adhirajyama Tanahun / MISHRA, D.
Title : Tanahun In Nepal = Nepal Adhirajyama Tanahun Material Type: printed text Authors: MISHRA, D. ; , Publisher: kathmandu : Mrs. Sarmila mishra Publication Date: 2058 B.S. Pagination: , 1236p., , Languages : (Nep) Keywords: Tanadu Nepal Class number: 954.96 MIS Tanahun In Nepal = Nepal Adhirajyama Tanahun [printed text] / MISHRA, D. ; , . - kathmandu : Mrs. Sarmila mishra, 2058 B.S. . - , 1236p., ,.
Languages : (Nep)
Keywords: Tanadu Nepal Class number: 954.96 MIS Copies (1)
Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status 6415, 954.96 MIS Document DFRSL Books Not for loan Turmeric - a great potential for foreign exchange , In: Forestry / MISHRA, D.
Title : Turmeric - a great potential for foreign exchange , In: Forestry Material Type: printed text Authors: MISHRA, D. ; DUTTA, I.C. ; , Publication Date: 1978 Pagination: v. - : 8, 12-15p, , General note: A Journal of Institute of Forestry Languages : (En) Keywords: Rhizome Turmeric - a great potential for foreign exchange , In: Forestry [printed text] / MISHRA, D. ; DUTTA, I.C. ; , . - 1978 . - v. - : 8, 12-15p, ,.
A Journal of Institute of Forestry
Languages : (En)
Keywords: Rhizome