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Author EASTER,K.W. |
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Watershed management in Nepal under condition of limited data and access / UPADHYAY, K.P.
Title : Watershed management in Nepal under condition of limited data and access Material Type: printed text Authors: UPADHYAY, K.P. ; EASTER,K.W. ; ,DIXON,J.A. Pagination: , 177-189pp.+ maps, , ISBN (or other code): 08-133-7300x General note: In Watershed resource management: an integrated framework with studies from Asia and the Pacific. Languages : (En) Keywords: watershed management Class number: A87-121983 Watershed management in Nepal under condition of limited data and access [printed text] / UPADHYAY, K.P. ; EASTER,K.W. ; ,DIXON,J.A. . - [s.d.] . - , 177-189pp.+ maps, ,.
ISSN : 08-133-7300x
In Watershed resource management: an integrated framework with studies from Asia and the Pacific.
Languages : (En)
Keywords: watershed management Class number: A87-121983