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PROCEEDINGS: practical training course on selection of plus trees and management of seed production areas and Vegetative propagation UNDP/FAO Regional project on Improved Productivity of man-made forests through Application of Technological advances in tree Breeding and propagation (FORTIP) (RAS/91/004) / FOOD AND AGRICULTURE ORGANISATION OF THE UNITED NATIONS (FAO)
Title : PROCEEDINGS: practical training course on selection of plus trees and management of seed production areas and Vegetative propagation UNDP/FAO Regional project on Improved Productivity of man-made forests through Application of Technological advances in tree Breeding and propagation (FORTIP) (RAS/91/004) Material Type: printed text Authors: FOOD AND AGRICULTURE ORGANISATION OF THE UNITED NATIONS (FAO) ; , Publisher: kathmandu : FOOD AND AGRICULTURE ORGANISATION OF THE UNITED NATIONS (FAO) Publication Date: 1993 Pagination: , 88p., , General note: RAS/91/004 FIELD DOCUMENTNo.6 Languages : (En) Keywords: trees and management of seed, vegetation Propagation, Undp PROCEEDINGS: practical training course on selection of plus trees and management of seed production areas and Vegetative propagation UNDP/FAO Regional project on Improved Productivity of man-made forests through Application of Technological advances in tree Breeding and propagation (FORTIP) (RAS/91/004) [printed text] / FOOD AND AGRICULTURE ORGANISATION OF THE UNITED NATIONS (FAO) ; , . - kathmandu : FOOD AND AGRICULTURE ORGANISATION OF THE UNITED NATIONS (FAO), 1993 . - , 88p., ,.
Languages : (En)
Keywords: trees and management of seed, vegetation Propagation, Undp Copies (1)
Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status D2916 D2916 Document DFRSL Books Not for loan REMOTE SENSING APPLICATIONS TO HIGHLAND DEVELOPMENT: Proceedings of the Regional seminar on Remote Sensing Applications to Highland Development / FOOD AND AGRICULTURE ORGANISATION OF THE UNITED NATIONS (FAO) , NATIONAL REMOTE SENSING CENTRE MINISTRY OF FORESTRY AND SOIL CONSERVATIONCopies (1)
Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status D2907 D2907 Document DFRSL Books Not for loan