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Alternative energy technology: an overview and assessment / WATER AND ENERGY COMMISSION SECVRETARIAT (WECS)
Title : Alternative energy technology: an overview and assessment Material Type: printed text Authors: WATER AND ENERGY COMMISSION SECVRETARIAT (WECS) ; , Publisher: KTM : WECS Publication Date: 1995 Pagination: , 167p., , General note: Supporting document no. 3 perspective energy plan Languages : (En) Keywords: alternative energy Alternative energy technology: an overview and assessment [printed text] / WATER AND ENERGY COMMISSION SECVRETARIAT (WECS) ; , . - KTM : WECS, 1995 . - , 167p., ,.
Supporting document no. 3 perspective energy plan
Languages : (En)
Keywords: alternative energy Copies (1)
Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status D2863 D2863 Document DFRSL Books Not for loan Energy conservation and demand management: an untapped resources / WATER AND ENERGY COMMISSION SECRETARIAT (WECS)
Title : Energy conservation and demand management: an untapped resources Material Type: printed text Authors: WATER AND ENERGY COMMISSION SECRETARIAT (WECS) ; , Publisher: KTM : WECS Publication Date: 1995 Pagination: , 88p., , General note: Perspective energy plan Supporting document no. 6 Languages : (En) Keywords: energy conservation resource management Energy conservation and demand management: an untapped resources [printed text] / WATER AND ENERGY COMMISSION SECRETARIAT (WECS) ; , . - KTM : WECS, 1995 . - , 88p., ,.
Perspective energy plan Supporting document no. 6
Languages : (En)
Keywords: energy conservation resource management Energy resources base of Nepal: perspective energy plan / WATER AND ENERGY COMMISSION SECVRETARIAT (WECS)
Title : Energy resources base of Nepal: perspective energy plan Material Type: printed text Authors: WATER AND ENERGY COMMISSION SECVRETARIAT (WECS) ; , Publisher: KTM : WECS Publication Date: 1995 Pagination: , 114p.+Annexes, , General note: Supporting document no. 2 Languages : (En) Keywords: resources energy Energy resources base of Nepal: perspective energy plan [printed text] / WATER AND ENERGY COMMISSION SECVRETARIAT (WECS) ; , . - KTM : WECS, 1995 . - , 114p.+Annexes, ,.
Supporting document no. 2
Languages : (En)
Keywords: resources energy Copies (1)
Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status D2862 D2862 Document DFRSL Books Not for loan Institutional arrangements: energy sector / WATER AND ENERGY COMMISSION SECVRETARIAT (WECS)
Title : Institutional arrangements: energy sector Material Type: printed text Authors: WATER AND ENERGY COMMISSION SECVRETARIAT (WECS) ; , Publisher: KTM : WECS Publication Date: 1995 Pagination: , V.P., , General note: Perspective energy plan supporting document no. 10 Languages : (En) Keywords: energy sector Institutional arrangements: energy sector [printed text] / WATER AND ENERGY COMMISSION SECVRETARIAT (WECS) ; , . - KTM : WECS, 1995 . - , V.P., ,.
Perspective energy plan supporting document no. 10
Languages : (En)
Keywords: energy sector Copies (1)
Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status D2879 D2879 Document DFRSL Books Not for loan An overview of environmental concerns in energy develioment / WATER AND ENERGY COMMISSION SECVRETARIAT (WECS)
Title : An overview of environmental concerns in energy develioment Material Type: printed text Authors: WATER AND ENERGY COMMISSION SECVRETARIAT (WECS) ; , Publisher: KTM : WECS Publication Date: 1995 Pagination: , 97p., , General note: Supportin document no. 7 perspective energy plan Languages : (En) Keywords: enviromental energy An overview of environmental concerns in energy develioment [printed text] / WATER AND ENERGY COMMISSION SECVRETARIAT (WECS) ; , . - KTM : WECS, 1995 . - , 97p., ,.
Supportin document no. 7 perspective energy plan
Languages : (En)
Keywords: enviromental energy Copies (1)
Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status D2869 D2869 Document DFRSL Books Not for loan An overview of forestry sector and strategy for forestry development and management in Nepal / WATER AND ENERGY COMMISSION SECVRETARIAT (WECS)PermalinkSocio-economic (Gender) issues in energy development / WATER AND ENERGY COMMISSION SECVRETARIAT (WECS)Permalink