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Author ,SINGH, J.S. |
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Estimation of biomass and nutrient storage on a Himalayan most temperate forest , In: Canadian Journal of Forest Research / NEGI, K.S.
Title : Estimation of biomass and nutrient storage on a Himalayan most temperate forest , In: Canadian Journal of Forest Research Material Type: printed text Authors: NEGI, K.S. ; RAWAT, Y.S. ; ,SINGH, J.S. Publication Date: 1987 Pagination: v. 13 : 6, 1185-1196p, , Languages : (En) Keywords: biomass cycling Class number: A88-062284 Estimation of biomass and nutrient storage on a Himalayan most temperate forest , In: Canadian Journal of Forest Research [printed text] / NEGI, K.S. ; RAWAT, Y.S. ; ,SINGH, J.S. . - 1987 . - v. 13 : 6, 1185-1196p, ,.
Languages : (En)
Keywords: biomass cycling Class number: A88-062284 Water, sediment and nutrient movement in forested and non-forested catchments in Kumaun Himalaya , In: Forest Ecology and Management / PANDEY, A.N.
Title : Water, sediment and nutrient movement in forested and non-forested catchments in Kumaun Himalaya , In: Forest Ecology and Management Material Type: printed text Authors: PANDEY, A.N. ; PATHAK, P.C. ; ,SINGH, J.S. Publication Date: 1983/84 Pagination: v. 7 : 1, 19-29p, , Languages : (En) Keywords: ecosystems catchment areas India Water, sediment and nutrient movement in forested and non-forested catchments in Kumaun Himalaya , In: Forest Ecology and Management [printed text] / PANDEY, A.N. ; PATHAK, P.C. ; ,SINGH, J.S. . - 1983/84 . - v. 7 : 1, 19-29p, ,.
Languages : (En)
Keywords: ecosystems catchment areas India