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Library items with class number 333.7316 WHE
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The Power of Innocative thinking let new ideas lead you to sucess / WHEELER, JIM
Title : The Power of Innocative thinking let new ideas lead you to sucess Material Type: printed text Authors: WHEELER, JIM ; , Publisher: New Delhi : JAICO PUBLISHING HOUSE Publication Date: 2004 Pagination: , 125p., , Languages : (En) Keywords: Innovative Thinking, Lead Success Power Strategic Rethinking Model, Problem-Sloving, Pooprtunity-Seeking and Decision - making, Creative thinking, Analytical Thinking Class number: 333.7316 WHE The Power of Innocative thinking let new ideas lead you to sucess [printed text] / WHEELER, JIM ; , . - New Delhi : JAICO PUBLISHING HOUSE, 2004 . - , 125p., ,.
Languages : (En)Copies (1)
Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status 5382, 333.7316 WHE Document DFRSL Books Not for loan The power of Innovative Thinking let new Ideas Lead you to Success / WHEELER, JIM
Title : The power of Innovative Thinking let new Ideas Lead you to Success Material Type: printed text Authors: WHEELER, JIM ; , Publisher: India : National Press Publication Publication Date: 2004 Pagination: , 125p., , Languages : (En) Keywords: Innovative Thinking Power Class number: 333.7316 WHE The power of Innovative Thinking let new Ideas Lead you to Success [printed text] / WHEELER, JIM ; , . - India : National Press Publication, 2004 . - , 125p., ,.
Languages : (En)
Keywords: Innovative Thinking Power Class number: 333.7316 WHE Copies (1)
Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status 6973, 333.7316 WHE Document DFRSL Books Not for loan The Power Innovative Thinking : Let new Ideas Lead you to Success / SHEELER, JIM
Title : The Power Innovative Thinking : Let new Ideas Lead you to Success Material Type: printed text Authors: SHEELER, JIM ; , Publisher: Delhi : Jaico Publishing House Publication Date: 2004 Pagination: , 125p., , Languages : (En) Keywords: Thinking Innovative Class number: 333.7316 WHE The Power Innovative Thinking : Let new Ideas Lead you to Success [printed text] / SHEELER, JIM ; , . - Delhi : Jaico Publishing House, 2004 . - , 125p., ,.
Languages : (En)
Keywords: Thinking Innovative Class number: 333.7316 WHE