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Library items with class number 526.98 UNI
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GIS standards and Standardisation: a handbook / United Nations
Title : GIS standards and Standardisation: a handbook Material Type: printed text Authors: United Nations ; , Publisher: New York : United Nations Publication Date: 1998 Pagination: , 124p, , ISBN (or other code): 978-0-582-64443-4 Languages : (En) Keywords: GIS handbook Class number: 526.98 UNI GIS standards and Standardisation: a handbook [printed text] / United Nations ; , . - New York : United Nations, 1998 . - , 124p, ,.
ISBN : 978-0-582-64443-4
Languages : (En)
Keywords: GIS handbook Class number: 526.98 UNI Copies (1)
Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status 4919, 526.98 UNI Document DFRSL Books Not for loan Gis Standards and Standardlization a handbook / United Nations
Title : Gis Standards and Standardlization a handbook Material Type: printed text Authors: United Nations ; , Publisher: New York : United Nations Publication Date: 1998 Pagination: , 123p., , Languages : (En) Keywords: Handbook Gis Standardlization Class number: 526.98 UNI Gis Standards and Standardlization a handbook [printed text] / United Nations ; , . - New York : United Nations, 1998 . - , 123p., ,.
Languages : (En)
Keywords: Handbook Gis Standardlization Class number: 526.98 UNI Copies (1)
Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status 6215, 526.98 UNI Document DFRSL Books Not for loan Textbook of topographical surveying / United Kingdom. Ministry of Defence
Title : Textbook of topographical surveying Material Type: printed text Authors: United Kingdom. Ministry of Defence ; , Edition statement: 4th ed. Publisher: London : Her Majesty's Stationary Office Publication Date: 1965 Pagination: , ix, 388p. :ill + maps, , Languages : (En) Keywords: topographical surveying cartography Class number: 526.98 UNI Textbook of topographical surveying [printed text] / United Kingdom. Ministry of Defence ; , . - 4th ed. . - London : Her Majesty's Stationary Office, 1965 . - , ix, 388p. :ill + maps, ,.
Languages : (En)
Keywords: topographical surveying cartography Class number: 526.98 UNI Copies (1)
Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status 1560, 526.98 UNI Document DFRSL Books Not for loan