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Library items with class number 574.5264 JHA
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Environment and agriculture: biodiversity agriculture / JHA, P. K.
Title : Environment and agriculture: biodiversity agriculture Material Type: printed text Authors: JHA, P. K. ; , Publisher: Nepal : ecological society Publication Date: 2001 Pagination: , 602, , Languages : (En) Keywords: environment agriculture biodiversity Class number: 574.5264 JHA Environment and agriculture: biodiversity agriculture [printed text] / JHA, P. K. ; , . - Nepal : ecological society, 2001 . - , 602, ,.
Languages : (En)
Keywords: environment agriculture biodiversity Class number: 574.5264 JHA Copies (1)
Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status 6234, 574.5264 JHA Document DFRSL Books Not for loan Environment and Agriculture At the Crossroad of the New Millennium / JHA, P.K., KARMACHARYA, S.B., BARAL, S.R. AND LACOUL, P.
Title : Environment and Agriculture At the Crossroad of the New Millennium Material Type: printed text Authors: JHA, P.K., KARMACHARYA, S.B., BARAL, S.R. AND LACOUL, P. ; , Publisher: Kathmandu : ECOS Publication Date: 2000 Pagination: , 552p., , Languages : (En) Keywords: Jha Environment Agriculture Crossroad Climate Studies Class number: 574.5264 JHA Environment and Agriculture At the Crossroad of the New Millennium [printed text] / JHA, P.K., KARMACHARYA, S.B., BARAL, S.R. AND LACOUL, P. ; , . - Kathmandu : ECOS, 2000 . - , 552p., ,.
Languages : (En)
Keywords: Jha Environment Agriculture Crossroad Climate Studies Class number: 574.5264 JHA Copies (1)
Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status 6180, 574.5264 JHA Document DFRSL Books Not for loan