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Library items with class number 634.999 OJH
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Communities, forests and governance: policy and institutional innovations from Nepal / OJHA, HEMANT.,TIMSINA, NETRA P.,CHETAN KUMAR.,BANJADE, MANI R.,BELCHER, BRIAN
Title : Communities, forests and governance: policy and institutional innovations from Nepal Material Type: printed text Authors: OJHA, HEMANT.,TIMSINA, NETRA P.,CHETAN KUMAR.,BANJADE, MANI R.,BELCHER, BRIAN ; , Publisher: New Delhi : Adroit Publication Date: 2008 Pagination: , 247, , Languages : (En) Keywords: community forest policy Nepal Class number: 634.999 OJH Communities, forests and governance: policy and institutional innovations from Nepal [printed text] / OJHA, HEMANT.,TIMSINA, NETRA P.,CHETAN KUMAR.,BANJADE, MANI R.,BELCHER, BRIAN ; , . - New Delhi : Adroit, 2008 . - , 247, ,.
Languages : (En)
Keywords: community forest policy Nepal Class number: 634.999 OJH Copies (1)
Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status 7005, 634.999 OJH Document DFRSL Books Not for loan Communities, Forests and Governance Policy and Institutional Innovations From Nepal / OJHA, HEMANT R., TIMSINA, NETRA P., KUMAR, CHETAN., BANJADE, MANI R. AND BELCHER, BRIAN
Title : Communities, Forests and Governance Policy and Institutional Innovations From Nepal Material Type: printed text Authors: OJHA, HEMANT R., TIMSINA, NETRA P., KUMAR, CHETAN., BANJADE, MANI R. AND BELCHER, BRIAN ; , Publisher: New Delhi : Adroit publishers Publication Date: 2008 Pagination: , 247p., , Languages : (En) Keywords: Communities Forests Governance Policy Nepal Management Terai Practice Class number: 634.999 OJH Communities, Forests and Governance Policy and Institutional Innovations From Nepal [printed text] / OJHA, HEMANT R., TIMSINA, NETRA P., KUMAR, CHETAN., BANJADE, MANI R. AND BELCHER, BRIAN ; , . - New Delhi : Adroit publishers, 2008 . - , 247p., ,.
Languages : (En)
Keywords: Communities Forests Governance Policy Nepal Management Terai Practice Class number: 634.999 OJH Copies (1)
Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status 7049, 634.999 OJH Document DFRSL Books Not for loan