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The Ascent of Dhaulagiri / EISELIN, M.
Title : The Ascent of Dhaulagiri Material Type: printed text Authors: EISELIN, M. ; , Publisher: London : Oxford University press Publication Date: 1961 Pagination: , 159p. :ill, , Languages : (En) Keywords: mountaineering - Nepal recreation Class number: NEP 796.522 EIS The Ascent of Dhaulagiri [printed text] / EISELIN, M. ; , . - London : Oxford University press, 1961 . - , 159p. :ill, ,.
Languages : (En)
Keywords: mountaineering - Nepal recreation Class number: NEP 796.522 EIS Copies (1)
Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status 1121, NEP 796.522 EIS Document DFRSL Books Not for loan Borradaile's manual of of elementary zoology / YAPP, W.B.
Title : Borradaile's manual of of elementary zoology Material Type: printed text Authors: YAPP, W.B. ; , Edition statement: 14th ed. Publisher: London : Oxford University press Publication Date: 1963 Pagination: , x, 780p. :ill, , Languages : (En) Keywords: zoology Class number: 591 YAP Borradaile's manual of of elementary zoology [printed text] / YAPP, W.B. ; , . - 14th ed. . - London : Oxford University press, 1963 . - , x, 780p. :ill, ,.
Languages : (En)
Keywords: zoology Class number: 591 YAP Borradaile's Manual of Elementry Zoology / YAPP, W.B.
Title : Borradaile's Manual of Elementry Zoology Material Type: printed text Authors: YAPP, W.B. ; , Publisher: London : Oxford University press Publication Date: 1963 Pagination: , 780p., , Languages : (En) Keywords: Manual Zoology Class number: 591 YAP Borradaile's Manual of Elementry Zoology [printed text] / YAPP, W.B. ; , . - London : Oxford University press, 1963 . - , 780p., ,.
Languages : (En)
Keywords: Manual Zoology Class number: 591 YAP Copies (1)
Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status 393, 591 YAP Document DFRSL Books Not for loan The challenge to the south the Report of the south commission / challenge
Title : The challenge to the south the Report of the south commission Material Type: printed text Authors: challenge ; , Publisher: London : Oxford University press Publication Date: 1991 Pagination: , 325p., , Languages : (En) Keywords: Commission south challenge Class number: 338.9 CHA The challenge to the south the Report of the south commission [printed text] / challenge ; , . - London : Oxford University press, 1991 . - , 325p., ,.
Languages : (En)
Keywords: Commission south challenge Class number: 338.9 CHA Copies (1)
Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status 5066, 338.9 CHA Document DFRSL Books Not for loan Climatology / KENDREW, W.G.
Title : Climatology Material Type: printed text Authors: KENDREW, W.G. ; , Edition statement: 2nd. Publisher: London : Oxford University press Publication Date: 1957 Pagination: , 400p., , Languages : (En) Keywords: Climatology Class number: 551.6 KEN Climatology [printed text] / KENDREW, W.G. ; , . - 2nd. . - London : Oxford University press, 1957 . - , 400p., ,.
Languages : (En)
Keywords: Climatology Class number: 551.6 KEN Climbing Everest: an anthology / BROUGHTON, G.PermalinkCo - operative movement in India / Hough's,E.M.PermalinkThe Control of Plant Disease / WHEELER, B.E.J.PermalinkForest Flora of British Burma V. I. / KURZ, S.PermalinkForestry / CHAMPION, H.G.PermalinkForestry for woodmen / HANSON, C.O.PermalinkHeroes and builders of Nepal / SHAHA, R.PermalinkImmunology and Immunotechnology / CHAKRAVARTY, ASHIM K.PermalinkJungle lore / CORBETT, J.PermalinkLand Reform in Japan / DORE, R.P.PermalinkLand reform in Japan / DORE, R.P.PermalinkMan against man-eaters / CORBETT, J.PermalinkManual of Indian forest utilization / TROTTER, H.PermalinkManual of Indian silviculture part I / CHAMPION, H.G.PermalinkModern Sociological Theory an Introduction / Abraham, M.F.PermalinkMount Everest: formation, population and exploration of the Everest region / Hagen, T.PermalinkThe Organization of Schools / RYBURN, W.M.PermalinkThe Oxford book of vertebrates / WHITELEY, D.PermalinkPractical British forestry / ACKERS, C.P.PermalinkA Practical English Grammar 3rd Ed. / THOMSON, A.J., MARTINET, A.V.Permalink