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Community forest management and the opportunities of local tradition : a view from Nepal / MESSERSCHMIDT, D.A.
Title : Community forest management and the opportunities of local tradition : a view from Nepal Material Type: printed text Authors: MESSERSCHMIDT, D.A. ; , Publisher: Washington, D.C. : USDA Forest Service Publication Date: 1988 Pagination: , 40p, , Languages : (En) Keywords: ACQUI20community forestry - Nepal forest management Community forest management and the opportunities of local tradition : a view from Nepal [printed text] / MESSERSCHMIDT, D.A. ; , . - Washington, D.C. : USDA Forest Service, 1988 . - , 40p, ,.
Languages : (En)
Keywords: ACQUI20community forestry - Nepal forest management Copies (1)
Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status 4647, D1894 4647, D1894 Document DFRSL Books Not for loan Conservation and society in Nepal: traditional forest management and innovative development / MESSERSCHMIDT, D.A.
Title : Conservation and society in Nepal: traditional forest management and innovative development Material Type: printed text Authors: MESSERSCHMIDT, D.A. ; , Publisher: Boulder : Westview Press Publication Date: 1987 Pagination: , 373-397p, , ISBN (or other code): 978-0-8133-7311-9 General note: Lands at Risk in the Third World: Local level perspectives. Monographs in Develpment anthropology, Institute for Development Anthropology Languages : (En) Keywords: community forestry Conservation and society in Nepal: traditional forest management and innovative development [printed text] / MESSERSCHMIDT, D.A. ; , . - Boulder : Westview Press, 1987 . - , 373-397p, ,.
ISBN : 978-0-8133-7311-9
Lands at Risk in the Third World: Local level perspectives. Monographs in Develpment anthropology, Institute for Development Anthropology
Languages : (En)
Keywords: community forestry Copies (1)
Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status 4415, D1703 4415, D1703 Document DFRSL Books Not for loan Development studies / MESSERSCHMIDT, D.A.
Title : Development studies Material Type: printed text Authors: MESSERSCHMIDT, D.A. ; , Publisher: Kathmandu : EMR Publishing House Publication Date: 1995 Pagination: , 169p, , General note: Bibliotheca Himalayica Series IV, Vol.1 edited by H.K. Kuloy Languages : (En) Keywords: natural resources - Nepal national parks forest management pulp and paper ecosystems Himalayas Class number: 333.7N MES Development studies [printed text] / MESSERSCHMIDT, D.A. ; , . - Kathmandu : EMR Publishing House, 1995 . - , 169p, ,.
Bibliotheca Himalayica Series IV, Vol.1 edited by H.K. Kuloy
Languages : (En)
Keywords: natural resources - Nepal national parks forest management pulp and paper ecosystems Himalayas Class number: 333.7N MES Copies (1)
Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status 5792, 333.7N MES Document DFRSL Books Not for loan Forest resource management and local knowledge: an overview of community forestry research in Nepal / MESSERSCHMIDT, D.A.
Title : Forest resource management and local knowledge: an overview of community forestry research in Nepal Material Type: printed text Authors: MESSERSCHMIDT, D.A. ; , Publisher: Pokhara, Nepal : Institute of Forestry Publication Date: 1990 Pagination: , 14p, , General note: A paper presented on October 22-26 1990 at the 2nd International Congress on Ethnobiology ... China Languages : (En) Keywords: forest resources - Nepal community forestry Nepal Forest resource management and local knowledge: an overview of community forestry research in Nepal [printed text] / MESSERSCHMIDT, D.A. ; , . - Pokhara, Nepal : Institute of Forestry, 1990 . - , 14p, ,.
A paper presented on October 22-26 1990 at the 2nd International Congress on Ethnobiology ... China
Languages : (En)
Keywords: forest resources - Nepal community forestry Nepal Copies (1)
Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status D2220 D2220 Document DFRSL Books Not for loan Gaun Sallah: the "village dialogue" method for local planning in Nepal, a discussion paper / MESSERSCHMIDT, D.A.
Title : Gaun Sallah: the "village dialogue" method for local planning in Nepal, a discussion paper Material Type: printed text Authors: MESSERSCHMIDT, D.A. ; , Edition statement: 2nd rev. ed. Publisher: Kathmandu : South East Conservation for International Development (SECID) Publication Date: 1983 Pagination: , 50p, , Languages : (En) Keywords: community development Nepal Gaun Sallah: the "village dialogue" method for local planning in Nepal, a discussion paper [printed text] / MESSERSCHMIDT, D.A. ; , . - 2nd rev. ed. . - Kathmandu : South East Conservation for International Development (SECID), 1983 . - , 50p, ,.
Languages : (En)
Keywords: community development Nepal Copies (1)
Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status 4597, D1852 4597, D1852 Document DFRSL Books Not for loan Go to the people: local planning for nature resource development in Nepal , In: Practicing Anthropology / MESSERSCHMIDT, D.A.PermalinkHarvesting Daphne bark (lokta baruha) in Myagdi District / MESSERSCHMIDT, D.A.PermalinkIndigenous Knowledge of Alternative Forest Resources Extraction and Marketing: significance for community forestry planning and management / MESSERSCHMIDT, D.A. in BANKO JANAKARI - वनको जानकारी : A Journal of Forestry Information for Nepal, 4: 1 (Jan- May 1993)PermalinkIndigenous knowledge of alternative forest resources extraction and marketing: significance for community forestry planning and management , In: Banko Janakari / MESSERSCHMIDT, D.A.PermalinkLinking indigenous knowledge to creative co-management in community forest development policy / MESSERSCHMIDT, D.A.PermalinkLocal participation in Park resource planning and management / MESSERSCHMIDT, D.A.PermalinkManagement and monitoring of community forestry activities in Nepal: a consultant report / WORMALD, T.J.PermalinkPepople and resources in Nepal: Customary resorces management systems of the upper Kali Gandaki , In: Panel on Common Property Resource Management, Washington D.C. / MESSERSCHMIDT, D.A.PermalinkRapid appraisal for community forestry: the RA process and rapid diagnostic tools / MESSERSCHMIDT, D.A.PermalinkRapid appraisal for community forestry: the RA process and rapid diagnostic tools / MESSERSCHMIDT, D.A.PermalinkThe use of anthropology in agro/social forestry R and D: approaches to anthropological forestry / MESSERSCHMIDT, D.A.PermalinkUsing human resources in natural resources management: innovations in Himalayan development / MESSERSCHMIDT, D.A.Permalink