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Author ,CHEMJONG, P.B. |
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Site selection for implementation of outreach programme in the Mechi hills / JOSHI, Y.R.
Title : Site selection for implementation of outreach programme in the Mechi hills Material Type: printed text Authors: JOSHI, Y.R. ; MOKTAN, D. ; ,CHEMJONG, P.B. Publisher: Dhankuta, Nepal : Pakhribas Agricultural Centre Publication Date: 1990 Pagination: , 26p, , General note: PAC Technical Paper; 138 Languages : (En) Keywords: Nepal - Mechi economic sociology farming systems Site selection for implementation of outreach programme in the Mechi hills [printed text] / JOSHI, Y.R. ; MOKTAN, D. ; ,CHEMJONG, P.B. . - Dhankuta, Nepal : Pakhribas Agricultural Centre, 1990 . - , 26p, ,.
PAC Technical Paper; 138
Languages : (En)
Keywords: Nepal - Mechi economic sociology farming systems Copies (1)
Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status 5187, D2152 5187, D2152 Document DFRSL Books Not for loan Traditional feeding practices for buffaloes in the Koshi hills / NEUPANE, S.P.
Title : Traditional feeding practices for buffaloes in the Koshi hills Material Type: printed text Authors: NEUPANE, S.P. ; GATENBY, R.M. ; ,CHEMJONG, P.B. Publication Date: 1990 Pagination: , 16-19p, , General note: In Amatya, S.M. and Philip, M.S. comp. Proceedings of the third meeting of the working group ...1989 Languages : (En) Keywords: livestock fodder Nepal - east Traditional feeding practices for buffaloes in the Koshi hills [printed text] / NEUPANE, S.P. ; GATENBY, R.M. ; ,CHEMJONG, P.B. . - 1990 . - , 16-19p, ,.
In Amatya, S.M. and Philip, M.S. comp. Proceedings of the third meeting of the working group ...1989
Languages : (En)
Keywords: livestock fodder Nepal - east