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Author McCRACKEN, I.J. |
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Bamboos: field manual for community and private forestry in Nepal part II / McCRACKEN, I.J.
Title : Bamboos: field manual for community and private forestry in Nepal part II Material Type: printed text Authors: McCRACKEN, I.J. ; POUDYAL, P.P. ; , Publisher: Kathmandu : CFDP Publication Date: 1992 Pagination: , 115p, , General note: Field Document; 20 Languages : (En) Keywords: private forestry community forestry - Nepal Bamboos: field manual for community and private forestry in Nepal part II [printed text] / McCRACKEN, I.J. ; POUDYAL, P.P. ; , . - Kathmandu : CFDP, 1992 . - , 115p, ,.
Field Document; 20
Languages : (En)
Keywords: private forestry community forestry - Nepal Copies (1)
Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status 5180, D2142 5180, D2142 Document DFRSL Books Not for loan Natural forest Management field Manual for community private forestry in Nepal / McCRACKEN, I.J.
Title : Natural forest Management field Manual for community private forestry in Nepal Material Type: printed text Authors: McCRACKEN, I.J. ; , Publisher: Kathmandu : Community forestry Development Project Department of forest Publication Date: 1992 Pagination: , 73p., , General note: Field Document No.22 Languages : (En) Keywords: Management Decision plantation Pine forests, Silvicultural Operations, Community forestry, Natural Broadleaf forests forest Management, forestry and Private Nepal Natural forest Management field Manual for community private forestry in Nepal [printed text] / McCRACKEN, I.J. ; , . - Kathmandu : Community forestry Development Project Department of forest, 1992 . - , 73p., ,.
Field Document No.22
Languages : (En)
Keywords: Management Decision plantation Pine forests, Silvicultural Operations, Community forestry, Natural Broadleaf forests forest Management, forestry and Private Nepal Natural forest management: field manual for community and private forestry in Nepal part IV / McCRACKEN, I.J.
Title : Natural forest management: field manual for community and private forestry in Nepal part IV Material Type: printed text Authors: McCRACKEN, I.J. ; , Publisher: Kathmandu : CFDP Publication Date: 1992 Pagination: , 73p, , General note: Field Document; 22 Languages : (En) Keywords: forest management - Nepal community forestry Natural forest management: field manual for community and private forestry in Nepal part IV [printed text] / McCRACKEN, I.J. ; , . - Kathmandu : CFDP, 1992 . - , 73p, ,.
Field Document; 22
Languages : (En)
Keywords: forest management - Nepal community forestry Copies (1)
Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status 5182, D2144 5182, D2144 Document DFRSL Books Not for loan