Author details
Author CHAUDHRI, J.D. |
Available item(s) by this author

Timber calculator: a guide for timber merchants, architects, contractors and officers of the forest and P.W.D. departments / CHAUDHRI, J.D.
Title : Timber calculator: a guide for timber merchants, architects, contractors and officers of the forest and P.W.D. departments Material Type: printed text Authors: CHAUDHRI, J.D. ; , Publisher: Delhi : Kiran Publications Publication Date: 199? Pagination: , 222p, , Languages : (En) Keywords: timbers volume determination Class number: 634.9285 CHA Timber calculator: a guide for timber merchants, architects, contractors and officers of the forest and P.W.D. departments [printed text] / CHAUDHRI, J.D. ; , . - Delhi : Kiran Publications, 199? . - , 222p, ,.
Languages : (En)
Keywords: timbers volume determination Class number: 634.9285 CHA Copies (1)
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